
I had the craziest nightmare, what the hec does it mean?

by Guest64344  |  earlier

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in the dream i was stuck in this dingy apartment with a close friend. my friend beat and molested me in the dream. i ran away and i grabbed my sisters who were in the play ground. i ran as fast as i could through the playground but my friend would just walk like he knew he would catch up. he just picked up girls while chasing me. i ws almost away but then he called my name and i froze. then i woke up, im so terrified that it could mean anything. if it helps with interpretation i have never been molested but ive been having alot of dreams about male familiars molesting me




  1. Its just a phases after a while you would probably forget about it later in life i had some crazy ere dreams when i was Young but i cant simpaly remember

  2. Something inside is telling you that you have to be careful with your friend. If your subconscious is trying to tell you something like this, stop and think about it for a couple of minutes. I really hope everything turns out okay for you!

  3. you're afraid of being hurt and molested. This dream could even be warning you about this friend of yours. maybe you don't trust him

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