
I had the weirdest dream that i have ever had....? (repost sorry due to lack of answers)?

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i dreamed that i had to do a presentation to another school (since i am in my final year) but i hate public speaking and would have done anything to get out of it. Then my uncle comes along and says let me show you something and he straps me to a harness. He dissapears and some guy about my age takes over. We fly in this harness over the sea and we see a yaughts sail pole (the rest is underwater) and we are bouncing round like crazy, The i realise we are being dragged along by a skeleton on a wakeboard. We go onto shore (of a lagoon) and then the guy leaves me for a second, I look up and see a massice snake, i try to get away on my hands and knees but i cant move. I then see a lion and lioness and the lion comes and sits on top on me and i didnt want to move or he would have ate me (its not squashing me, just resting ontop of me while im on my hands and knees). I remember the guy going and me being stuck there. As the days go by the lion starts to talk to me and lets me walk around, A film crew come and i run up to the lady and give her a big hug - first human interaction in a while. They disappear. Then i go and ly back down beside the lion utterly confused. The guy who originally dropped me off then comes back and saves me and he gives me a massive kiss and says sorry for taking so long. I come back home somehow and find out the the people i was doing a presintation too are coming in about 5 minutes. How weird is that? What does it mean? Thanks!




  1. One interpretation:  Uncle is friend, positive; the guy who takes over is more able to help; moving far away over the ocean, to an emotional place with dangerous snake and threatening lion.  You begin to "talk," and the scary lion talks.  A film crew witnesses the scene.  Then your helper returns, blesses you with a kiss, and you return to your alternate school scene, with events proceeding as planned.

    It is a coherent dream, simply dealing with your various issues in a thematic way which uses symbols in disguised form to handle fear (snake), issues of who's in charge (lion like Aslan in "Chronicles of Narnia"), being able to travel over emotion (sea), an island of preparation and resolution, and so on.

    "The Master of Lucid Dreams," Dr. Olga Kharitidi,

    "The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,

    "Watch Your Dreams," Ann Ree Colton, and are some interesting resources.

  2. I think it means you're overwhelmed or looking for direction with something.

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