
I had this dog that was like family to me?

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I had this dog, I just couldn't stop thinking about the little pup. I quit my job, left my girlfriend, lost my home. All for her. Two weeks ago, she died and now I have nothing.

here is her picture




  1. Awe, I'm sorry for your loss. I know how it feels to lose a pet close to you.

    Jman honestly fuc* off, for people with hearts, it hurts. Your stone cold lump wouldnt know.

  2. wow ur a loser stop lovin ur ****** dog so much  

  3. Man..I understand that you loved your dog, but that is ridiculous.

    Don't get me wrong...but you are freaking ignorant..

  4. awww  she is adorable.

    but u shouldnt have given all that up for a dog.  

    why did u give it all up for the dog??

  5. sorry man that really sucks

    its gonna be hard to replace her

    best of luck though :(

  6. AAAAWWWW!!! the dog is sooo cute! You shouldn't have quit your job for the dog though. Remember dogs can be replaced and not humans. You need to fix your relationship with your girlfriend, that should be your main objective. Oh and what is the question?

  7. Aww it's okay. Life is meant to come & go. This goes for both dogs and humans. In life, we must learn to let go. There are rough times in life, and we are placed here on this Earth to encounter them.

    I know it is hard to let go, but you must try your hardest to stand back up again. If your dog was still here, I bet that she would want you to smile everyday. You have your whole life ahead of you. You must regain back your strength. I hope -- there will be one day, where you can recall the memories of your dog and still smile-- just because of the fact that fate placed both you & your dog together as a whole... and as a family.

  8. First of all, I'm so sorry for your loss =( One of my dogs died not to long ago, too.

    Um, I don't know what to tell you...sorry

    Good luck, though

  9. I lost my dog recently too. He was my best friend

  10. Adorable little pup but I don't understand why you quit your job, left your girlfriend, and lost your home because of her??? That doesn't really make sense. But I am very sorry to hear about your loss.  

  11. no your  relationship with your dog meant something  it was a form of caring , to best remember you dog develop other caring relationships

    care for animals,plants and most importantly humans

  12. My screen name, Icee Frosty is in Memory of my 2 Favorite dogs.  And they looked like yours.  I couldn't believe it when I opened the picture!  I'm not sure why you had to lose everything but I have experienced the feeling of loss.  I'm Sorry xox

  13. The pooch is magnificent, but dazzaam. I am sorry for your loss nonetheless. She is in Doggie heaven now.  

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