
I had this dream, what does it mean?

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first, the guy I dreamt of was a good friend of mine and I liked him alot, but we had a silly fight over something he thought I had said but I actually never did ,some months, ago and we never talked after that... so I practically don't know what he is up to. and since school is over I havn't even seen him since that time but we are in the same uni this semester.

so I dreamt I was walking in a park and there was this road all green with a classmate of mine... (she and I never talked alot even at school)

so we were going down this road in silence and I somehow knew that this other friend of mine whom I had a fight with is somewhere around but couldn't see him...

after some minutes I see him catching up with us and as he reaches us he puts his arm around my shoulder and as he always did ,brings his face really close to mine (to tease me he always did in real life too) but he does not stop and kisses me for a moment I was really excited but just then I pulled away.... feeling confused and then I woke up

so what could my dream mean?




  1. It could mean that you like him more than a friend and your mind doesn't know that your subconscious does though and the dream was the only way your subconscious could let you know.

    Dreams are usually based on the subconscious. What the subconscious knows and the mind doesn't. So the dream could mean anything. It is up to you to understand what you want it too mean.

    Another thing the dream could mean is that the fight you and your friend had was a symbol of the end of friendship and the beginning of a relationship.

    Your mind usually doesn't know alot of the stuff your subconscious knows.

    Dreams can mean one thing to one person and another to a different person. It is up to the dreamer for them to understand what the dream meant.

  2. to take a chance,and go for it before its too late.

    the arguement was kinda like something was ending,but with meaning-so maybe your friendship should go to another level? ;)

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