In my dream, I finally decided to let my friend take me to a party. It was in a maybe a 10 story building, and everyone took the elevator to the top floor, but for some odd reason I was scared to take the elevator so I stood there looking at it and ended up sitting on the stairs, as I was sitting there, a person who i am guessing was the dj because he had turntables with him. The guy though had dreads and was tall and just beautiful, at first he kind of ignored me and took his turntables to the party and came back downstairs and asked me to take the stairs with him, after that my dream went to me and my friend that bought me and the dj were all in a bed. They were laying next to each other and I was laying perpendicular to them at their feet (not exactly my dream scenario). during the middle of the night i heard him whisper my name in my ear and reach over to touch my shoulder, and it felt so real that it was like he was right there I felt the touch on my shoulder and immediately woke up.
Its just so weird that I felt him so close, like i knew him.
and in real life, i dont go out much and i make up excuses not to go out with my friends.