
I had this dream last night....?

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I had this really interesting dream last night where I had moved down the street from this celebrity...he was rich and famous and the problem was that I couldn't see his face! I kinda recognized his voice but I really wasn't sure who it was because his face was kinda blurred out...anyway we met and he started flirting with me and he invited me to his house for a pool party that he was having and we ended up kissing at the end of the night...and then my dream moved into the future where we were at the altar about to get married and I kinda mouthed the words "I Love You" to him...and then I woke up!!!! Can anyone tell me what this dream means




  1. Idk, but that's weird

  2.    Often a persons fears or anxieties will surface in our dreams.  My sense is that you may have an overwhelming stressor(s) that are particularrly difficult to deal with.  The person down the street I think represents your courage to handle the stresses that come up.  When you embrace your courage to follow thru with resolving these stress factors that are disturbing then you will be at peace.

    Thats my take.

  3. It means that somewhere in the cracks of your brain, receptacles simulated....what you just saw. Lets face it, dreams don't have more meaning then clouds.  

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