I was standing in the middle of a lagoon, and there was this lady at the end of the bridge I was on. She had this man on a leash, and she was talking to this doctor. She said, "Every time I say a coordinate, he goes there."
So she said, "X-X." And he ran to the middle of the bridge with her, they went straight through me. And the doctor understood. Then he turned to his nurse, and told her to go to his office. She went there, and I saw her rummage through cupboards and drawers trying to find pills. Then she returned to the lagoon, and told the doctor there weren't any of the kind he needed. Then the lady said, "X-X2." And the man ran away from her, into this forest. It got dark really quickly, and he ran past this dead tree. The face of frowning man appeared in the branches and the man fell down a hill. He skewered his head on a tree root, and the doctor came down after him. He picked up a rock, then bashed the man's skull open. He then ate the skull and the brains. Then I woke up.