
I had this dream this dream last night that scared me?!?

by  |  earlier

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i think i was having a miscarriage and i was bleeding really badly and it wouldn't stop....and in the dream i was crying and then i woke up real life i think i might be pregnant,but i'm not sure[i'm 15 btw no bad comments]...this really scared me really badly, idk why, and i was wondering why i dreamed about that,i'm freaked out about it,it's clearly still in my head..idk why i'm posting this but it was wierd and i wonder if someone might think/have a suggestion to why i had this dream?? serious answers only please.




  1. Well if worries that you've gotten pregnant were in your mind, your concerns may have penetrated into your sub conscious. Maybe you just need to get a pregnancy test, to find out for sure if you're pregnant or not, to cool your nerves down, you'll be more at peace.

  2. Get a pregnancy test, and if you are pregnant tell your lover and your parents. when thats over with tell them about your dream, hopfully this wont really happen

    if you are not pregnant then tell you parents about the dream, maybe she is pregnant! (:

  3. Dreams to do with pregnancy are referring to the birth of something in your life, not a literal pregnancy.  A miscarriage would indicate that something you were starting (a new project, idea, relationship, job, etc) didn't work out.


  4. My dear,

    Your just scared about all the things that could happen. Its not a sign or karma , its just nerves. Your 15 and i'm sure you didn't mean to get pregnant. Bleeding in your dreams  is basically showing that you feel out of control.

    You'll be fine you need someone to talk to about how your scared and your nervous and your tired and cranky all the time.

    think positive thoughts.

    your just scared like you were in  your dream.

    your going to be okay.

    i know it.

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