
I had this dream where i was.....?

by  |  earlier

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having s*x with a guy. im g*y and everything so it wasn't werid but it felt so i was actually getting u know. It felt like something was actually going up there and i felt kinda of weried out...has that ever happened to anyone.




  1. I've had dreams about having s*x with guys too... i never thought about it to much... but it was really freaky how REAL it felt... but i liked

  2. almost nightly, it's followed by "get off of me and go to sleep!"

  3. And the problem is? lol It has been so long for me I would welcome a dream like that!! Sounds like you are lucky!

  4. yea.. i loved it :)

    but it is just a dream

  5. Yea, I had a very realistic dream last night, but all we did was some rough kissing. The messed up thing is that it was a dream about some random guy.......... but I'm not attracted to guys.

    In the dream it was pretty hot, but if a guy tried to pull that in real life i'd kick him in his sack. No offense guys. = )

  6. A bit over 10 yrs ago a good buddy of mine and I were partying and drinkin, and after a bit the conversation turned to things we were curious about, At the time I felt I was very Bi-curious, and I am also a crossdresser and we talked about oral and anal giving and recieving, and so we ended up exploring the oral curious part for the next 2 weeks,  we never got anywhere else, since that encounter in 1987 many times I have had dreams where him and I were trying it again with oral and anal, and yes there are times they seem so real, only to wake up dissapointed,, but maybe someday I will get the chance to try again, I still consider myself Bi-curious,  

  7. Yes I have had extremely realistic dreams about making love, like you would swear it was actually happening.  Any more real and you'd wake up with a stretched out..... well you know.  

  8. yea i had dat dream and was mad when i woke up

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