
I had this really weird/gross dream last night?

by  |  earlier

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i was looking in the mirror, and my back, well the top part anyways, was covered in what looked like sharp, dark gray hair :S but it looked weird, huge and close up like the sort of hair you'd see under a microscope.

in this dream i was clawing at my back, trying to get rid of it, and i remember a feeling of panic and disgust taking over me.

please don't just answer with a "that's gross" because i've figured that much out for myself, funnily enough. I just really need to know what the h**l this means!!




  1. I have dreams like that! That there will be huge long hairs growing on my legs.. (and the thought of shaving them never crosses my mind for some reason?)

    I think it's just being paranoid about what people are thinking about you and how you look. A little low on self-esteem. That's how i felt about mine anyway.

    Sorry if i'm not too much help for you, i tried! ;)

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