
I had this weird dream about 3 years ago..?

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The dream was, I went to school in my underwear because I was running late.

What did it mean?

That I wanted some?




  1. It's a typical dream. Not anything to concern yourself with.

  2. woah! you can remember a dream from that long ago? sorry lol. uh, maybe it just meant that you were feeling exposed and vulnerable..... sorry i cant help more. :)

  3. Firstly, are you going to school at this present time? Dreams will center around school if you are still currently attending school, because it is the place where you spend most of your time.

    It could easily be an anxiety dream, whereby you were worried and fretting that something like that could happen to you in the future.

    It is common before you have an exam or an appointment to dream of embarassing moments centered around that theme.

    Dreaming that you are in your underwear can easily mean that you are feeling some sort of exposure or lack of privacy in your life. Or something embarrassing of a similar nature may have happened to you recently

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