
I had this weird dream the other day...?

by  |  earlier

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In the dream me and my mom were at Barnes and Noble, and she told me that I could buy two cd's. So I went to the pop/rock section to look for a old FOB cd I wanted while she was looking at some books. On my way there I passed by a stand with some Metallica cd's on it. I bent down to look at one that for some reason was a book and a cd, I put it back and went to the F section (for FOB) when I got there I didn't see the cd, but I did see a Metallica cd. And this is where it gets weird, the cd cover was sparkly-silver and the name of it was "Jewd" ( I know for a fact there are no Metallica cd's called Jewd and I'm sure they aren't sparkly silver) so after contemplating for a while I decided to buy the cd, and since my mom said I could buy 2 I got the cd book. We went to the check out and she asked me did I see anything. I showed her my stuff and she nodded, we purchased my cds and her books and left.

Now my questions for you guys are:

What do you make of this dream? I think its pretty weird to dream about buying cds




  1. Well Jewd first of all is an actual word found in the Urban Dictionary. However it has anti-semetic overtones and as such nobody should use the term in anyway. One defintion of Jewd is: "When one is conned into paying much more for a good or service than it is actually worth"

    Perhaps it could be that you heard somebody use that term before, it lingered in your subconscious and popped up in your dream. Based on the definition your dream seems to suggest that subconsciously you feel that possibly you are being conned or tricked into paying too much for the music cd's that you want to buy. Perhaps you want several music C.D's and feel that you have to pay too much for them so in a sense that means you feel conned or cheated.

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