
I had three positive HPT then went to the dr. and it was neg. I left there and took another one to be positve?

by  |  earlier

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I am one week late for my cycle. I took one digital home pregnancy test and it was positive when I was two days late. I took two more after that with the double lines and they had faint pink positive lines. I went to the doctors to take a urine test there and their test came out negative. I was so upset i went back to the store when I left there and bought another digital test and it was positive. Is this unheard of??




  1. That is strange. You'd definitely think the tests at the doc office would be as strong, if not stronger than a htp. I would call the doc office again and tell them about your third positive htp and request a blood test.

    Are you on any ovulation medications like Clomid that could be giving you some sort of false positive on the htps?

    It definitely sounds like congrats is in order though!!

  2. Nope. Doctors tend to buy really cheap brands that are not as sensitive as the brands you can purchase at your local drug store. So congratulations, you're pregnant!! Next step is to take a blood test you can take in to your doctor to start on your prenatal treatment.

    Further explanation: most drugstore tests range from 25hcg (First Response) to maybe 50 or 75. Doctors usually purchase tests in bulk with a sensitivity rate of 100hcg!!  Which clearly explains why you would get positives at home and negatives at his office. So don't be shy to ask for a blood test ;)


    **EDIT** I don't mean to be rude to anyone, but the urine test you take at your doctor's office and the one you take at home are exactly the same--the only variable is the sensitivy of the test. Both tests measure the HCG hormone, which is always present in the body at measurements of 5 or lower, but increases when pregnancy is present. The only way to get the hormone--short of fertility treatments or cysts--is to actually be pregnant, and both urine and blood tests measure if enough of the hormone is present to determine that pregnancy is present.

    There are two types of blood tests, though, one that says "yes" or "no" (if you're pregnant or not) and another that measures the amount of the hcg hormone in your system; usually done to make sure the pregnancy is progressing as it should.

    But urine tests are the same, whether it's a home pregnancy test or a doctor's office test--they go by the same principle, except some are more sensitive than others, and the ones at the doctor's office tend to be less sensitive because they are less expensive and purchased in bulk amounts. Hope this helps! :)

  3. It means your dr screwed up most likely. It happened to me w/ my son I took a whole sack of tests and then they said I had to take theirs to get my OB appt so I did, but it turns out they mixed samples and I was told neg and was pregnant and a woman with a similar name was told pregnant and wasn't. It was a big mess. Do what I did, take in ALL your HPT's all positive and demand a retest or blood test. They are surely wrong.

  4. I had a false positive with the digital ones, but if you took other kinds and those were positive also, I would demand a blood test at the doctors!

  5. I say wait another week and if you still have not started your period take another hpt and then if it is still positive call up your doctor and make an appointment, when you go in tell them you would like to have a blood test because of all the positive hpt's .  You never know, maybe the test they gave you in the office was defective, nothing is 100% except maybe a blood test is more accurate.  Good luck !!

  6. I would wait another few days and take another test...get a strong positive and go to the doctor again and bring the test if you have to.  request a blood test.

  7. I had a similar experience, best if you request a blood test to monitor your hCG levels.

  8. doctors test are not as sensitive as the ept, i would go back and ask for another test or do a blood test, congratulations though as you seem pretty pregnant with all them positives

  9. the dr's  test are the same as over the counter there is nothing more technical that makes them advance the only way is to tell the dr you want a blood test to be done because 5 to 1 say your pregnant then wait for the results but i think you are preggos congrats!!!

  10. i have heard of this actually. have them do a blood test if they will because they are the most accurate.

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