
I had to ask some questions, I'm tired of train ticket questions..?

by  |  earlier

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How do I get a job, and where a station is.




  1. I hear ya, but don't be too hard on the ticket seekers.  Trying to navigate Amtrak's web-site is like trying to read Homer's Iliad in the original Greek.  I can only imagine what digital horror lies in wait for those making inquiries overseas.

    Plus, I'm a computer neophyte, as are many others.  You know that big power failure last winter between northern California and southern Oregon?   I'm pretty sure that was my fault.  

    When I tried to forward an e-mail for the first time, the mailer DAEMON popped up along with some unsolicited pornography (I never dreamed any part of anyone's body could be THAT flexible), then the screen went dark and the power went out...   sorry.

    But, speaking of which, anyone know where I can get the NC-17 railroad classic, "Sally Does The Soo" ?

  2. Glad you did!I get tired of those too.I'm always glad to answer railroad questions for people if i can.I've only been beating up and down the rails for 31 years,but i have managed to learn a few things!

  3. My largest source of irritation is CSX Transportation.  They implemented a policy where I have to stay on the train after my 12 hours are up to wait on the next crew.  This may be an additional 8 hours or more.  20 hour days and then being called to work as soon as you are legally rested really sucks.  I get paid overtime but it is blood money that I would rather not have.

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