
I had to go into work early today and I missed it?

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What did ESPN say Brett Favre had for breakfast? I had a huge bet on the Belgium waffles.




  1. I was seriously talking about this to me dad yesterday.  I asked him what ESPN would say Brett Favre was having for lunch that day.  Here in Wisconsin, every night our local news stations give us the daily update about Brett Favre, and I just turn the TV off cause this is really getting old.  Brett got traded to the Jets, so MOVE ON!  I bet he had some bacon eggs and chocolate chip pancakes this morning.

  2. Haha this is a funny. And completely true. "Oh my god! They made Brett Farve run a lap! Everybody! Brett Farve feels like he's actually 38!"  

    Thank god I have DVR so I can fast foward!

  3. My point exactly. ESPN should change to ESFN-Entertainment, Sports and Favre Network.

  4. LOL agree with the point totally.

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