
I had to go to a different school and now they won't let me play volleyball. y is that??

by  |  earlier

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i had to move over the summer of 2006, and i had to go to a different school and they said that i couldn't play volleyball because i changed schools. but i got registered the weekend before school started. Wat do i do???




  1. you probably have to wait until the next school year to play. if this happened to you, there are rules about what players can play. if you started playing right away, it would look like the school recruited you.

  2. Go to the athletic director at the school, see what the rules are, and see what you need to do for next year.  Freshman can start in no problem, but upper classmen have to show proof of grades, and previous semester enrollment etc

  3. ask the school...we don't know everything about ur life n skool so y ask us...?

  4. you hsould talk to the school district

  5. There should be no reason why they wouldn't let you unless there is some reason listed in your schools athletic handbook. I recently move too and was almost not allowed to play because there was stipulation that I was recruited. I don't know your situation, but it might be the same. I would talk to the school board and if nothing is resolved and you still want to play then I would appeal to the school district. From there you could go to the state athletic board for volleyball. Best of luck, but remember that you shouldn't do this if you don't feel strongly about the sport.

  6. Hey they may not of let you play becuase the school might of had summer practice and chose the teams there but i think they should still let you try out because thats what they do at my school and a lot of girls that didn't go to the summer workouts made the teams so i think you should talk to the school district

  7. Well, you have to get a physical, pay for the sport, & show your last year's report card...but if they already started with the chosen teams, I think you came to late. Sorry.

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