
I had to put my cat to sleep...?

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Yesterday, my mother took my cat to the Vet for a check up because according to the Vets his bowels had lost elasticity due to "constipation" and he had to be on liquid parathin (I can't spell that) to help him defecate.

I thought it was just going to be a check up, but when my mother returned more than 6 hours later she didn't have my cat in the basket. It turned out he had to be put to sleep because they found tumors inside him that were completely blocking his bowels.

This has shocked me, the Vets didn't bother to throughly examine him the first time he was taken in and if they had they might have found the tumors before they were too big to be removed. They only discovered the tumors yesterday because they decided to "flush out" his bowels and couldn't get the tool (Is that the right word?) in because the tumors were blocking it, and they did an X-Ray and discovered it.

I'm struggling to get over this loss. But I'm also very angry at the fact that we took him to the vets every week for 4 months and they kept telling us "nothing was wrong".

What can I do to get over this loss? And do you think I could take legal action or something? Considering the fact that even though my cat cried out in pain in front of them they still did nothing about it and insisted "nothing was wrong".




  1. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. It's so very hard when we lose one of our loved ones. But you can't blame the vet. Constipation is very common in cats and unless extensive tests are performed, the cancer would not normally become noticed. You could have also checked with another vet if you have concerns about the diagnosis. My last cat had several heath issues for the last years of her life. When we went to the vets, if I thought the exam or diagnosis wasn't accurate, we would visit a second vet for their opinion. In all, we used 3 different vets. In her last year of life, she was being treated for mouth sores using all sorts of treatments. Finally, when her jaw began to swell and she couldn't eat, it was discovered that she had cancer and nothing could be done. I don't think it is appropriate to consider suing the doctor. You can't expect the doctor to operate and take biopsies or xrays for every ailment. Sometimes these problems are only found when it is too late. When we have a loss like that, it is only natural for us to want to blame someone.

  2. I'm not sure about legal actions.

    But, you will never truly get over the loss.  But, when you think that it doesn't hurt so much, then plant something and put a plaque on it, or make a "memorial wall" in his honor.

    I am so sorry for your loss.  My dog, Blue, died over a year ago and it's still hard.  Some days, I go and not think about him dying, and others, I cry so hard, I get more than just headaches.

    I would definitely try to change Vet Clinics.

  3. I am sorry with all my heart for your loss, but I do suggest you wait a while, until you've lest your cat behind you, but still have memories of him/her. When all this has been done, I suggest getting a new cat, and making it a substitute for the cat. I already know this because my uncle had a Great Dane named Doc that got Bone Cancer and was put to sleep, he later got another one recently and named it Doc 2, but he calls her Doc. I suggest this is a great way to fill in that empty space that your cat left.

  4. you should get a new cat. yea, it probably wont be the same fo a while, but, im sure you will come to love your new cat, as much as you did you other one...............

  5. you can take what tupac called "legal action".  

  6. Wow, I'm sorry that that happened. Sounds like the vets didn't do their job. I don't know if you could bring a suit against them or something; maybe you could, maybe not. I know how it feels to lose a cat that you really love; it takes a while to stop crying every day (at least it did with me).  

  7. You've probably heard this a lot lately, but I'm sorry that your cat had to be put to sleep.

    Mine did, too. It was a couple of years ago, and I still miss him. I cried for the first three days after I found out that my grandmother put him to sleep while I was at school. He was born without tissue in one of his legs, so he was always in pain.

    And I got so freaking mad. My grandmother told me that he was up on the counter, and one of the stupid nurses let him JUMP off -- and his leg was messed up. That wasn't going to make it any better. Stupid lady!!!

    And it sounds like to me that you're not using a very good vet. They should have flushed out his bowels 4 months ago when he was crying out in front of them. Maybe you should switch vets.

    About getting over the loss, you just have to let time heal your pain. I have a couple of cats now -- 2 black ones, they're brothers, and mine only -- but they'll never take Smokie's place. HIH!

  8. While the situation totally sucks and you are really upset right now, you will heal with time. It's ok to lash out at the vets and feel upset, but you need to come to terms with the fact that they were doing what they thought was best. They did not want your cat to have tumors or to be sick. They want to help animals, that is why they go into this profession. If there was no reason to believe the cat had tumors, why would they put you through the expensive procedure of doing xrays? Believe it or not,they were just trying to do what they truly thought was the most effective treatment. The symptoms your cat presented sounded like a common problem, so they treated it as such. I wouldn't waste time and money on pursuing legal avenues because the vets didnt technically do anything wrong. My best advice to you is take time out to grieve for your sweet cat and come to terms with the fact that everyone in this situation did what they could and what they felt was best. good luck to you!!

  9. First let me say sorry for your loss.  I know how it feels Just lost my cat about 2 weeks ago and all I can say is it takes time.  Just be happy your kittie is out of pain.  As far as legal action, Yes I think you have a good chance.  Find out if you have a Attorney you can talk to and keep all records from your visits. Good luck you don''t want this to happen to some one else so get the news out that the vet did not do all thay could do.

  10. sue

  11. I'm so sorry about your cat. I know how angry you must be. You feel like you have been lied to about everything from the Vet. Sometimes they try the simple treatments first. If #1 doesn't work, then they should have done the testing and not waited 4 weeks. As far as legal action, you could probably only get $ for your Vet bills, if that. It would cost more to sue him, then you would get in a settlement, if you win.

    If or when you get another cat, find another Vet too.

  12. Get a new pet but make sure it doesnt look like your old cat.Sry 4 ur loss

  13. My sincere condolences for your loss. I lost my cat on July 4th 2002. It is a terrible feeling to lose any loved one unexpectedly.

  14. That is absolutely tragic. I lost my cat about 3 weeks ago, and while it's natural for it to still hurt, I think it's going to be a long road.

    I had to get rid of pictures of him--just for awhile. I had to give up reading all those sad pet poems. Maybe there will be a time I can come to terms and read/look at things that remind me of my Simon, but not right now. In fact, I just mentioned him to my friend in art the other day, and had to fight back tears :(.

    It's going to be difficult--that's to be expected. But be strong, you can do it. I feel horrible for your poor cat, and for you.

    As for the vet's, I would consider switching. Just the fact that an obstruction didnt even cross their minds would make me question their credibility.

  15. I can tell u it is hard. I know because I had to put my cat down last week because of Kidney failure. I can suggest you can get yourself a new kitty.But since you have 3 other kittys just spoil them a little more. But I can tell you that my husband got him cremated by himself so when we get his ashes back we can bury him near the roses bushes that he loved looking at from the bedroom window. It gets a little easier trust me.

  16. im so sorry. i know how if feels. my 2 cats were very old and sick and so my dad had to put them down. well my dad is a vet and he owns his clinic and he is an amazing vet who is very dedicated, maybe your vet didnt want to hurt you guys by saying your cat was not well. i donno know.. i dont think i would want any another cat(s). well while i had my cats my dad got a dog so we have her for now and she is so sweet and makes you smile. :)   animals have that thing that just makes you feel so warm inside. maybe your s**+ tzu will do the same for you ♥

    much love- ♥sunshine♥

  17. call the lawyer. now!  

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