
I had to quit karate because of a knee injury, is it safe to start back up? (details!)

by Guest33757  |  earlier

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Last year when I was 12, I was kicking in karate class and the leg I was standing on gave out. Well, turns out that I had to have surgery because my kneecap popped out and tore a ligament, then popped back in and broke off the cartilage from the back of the kneecap. The surgery went well and I went through physical therapy for a good 6 or 7 months. I was told by one doctor not to go back, and another (the one who did the surgery) that it would be fine, because it was a freak accident. I still limp a little from that leg out of habit, and it periodically stiffens and swells. However this doesn't stop me from doing anything I would normally be doing. So my question you think it's safe for me to go back to karate? I was about halfway to reaching my black belt, and I was doing the regular class along with weapons and seminars. It was a good stress relief, too...grrrr....




  1. See a different doctor, one well versed in ligament damage recovery and physiotherapy (a specialist). See what they say. If you can walk and run and jump okay, then I shouldn't think there'd be too many problems, you may just have to take it easy for a while.

  2. go ahead and try, and if it bothers your knee just sit down in the middle of the floor.

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