
I had to reconnect my internet connection and it says that the page cannot be displayed. (dns error) bottom?

by  |  earlier

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once i open up internet explorer on the bottom it says server or dns error. How can i fix this they will all be best answers.




  1. 1. Do a hard restart of your Cablem Modem / Router.

    Are all the lights solid "ON" after the reset? If not then it could be a ISP or hardware issue...If the lights are OK,

    Can you get online? No, try the next step...  

    2. Open a Cmd prompt, ping

    If you get back 4 replies, then try opening a IE and type in or another site to see if it works.

    Can you get online? No, try the next step...

    3.  Open a cmd prompt, type:

    ipconfig  /release

    ipconfig  /renew

    Can you get online? No, try the next step...

    4.  Temporarily Disable and firewalls (Norton, Zone Alarm, Mccaffe,etc...).

    Can you get online? Yes? Great...

    No?  Let us know what happened during each step



  2. Go to Control Panel > RIGHT click MyNetwork Places > select Properties.

    Then double click INTERNET CONNECTION >

    tab General > click the button to DISABLE your connection.

    Click OK.

    Then go through the steps again and this time click the button to ENABLE the connection.

    Restart your computer.

    That should fix the problem


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