
I had to throw my old cat out she was killing a new cat i acquired:will she die?

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i have had my cat for 4 years :i brought home a new kitten and my original cat attacked her constantly :often drawing blood : i threw her out and have not seen her again .will she die?




  1. Ok so since everyone else tore into you...I wont state the obvious. Maybe you freaked out and were reeling with emotion when you tossed your cat out on the street. A house cat of four years wont be able to do anything to fend for itself. You have been supplying all food and water. The cats just not used to it. If you do ever see your original cat again take her to an animal shelter. Let them know she had problems with your newly acquired kitten. Without that information they could potentially send the cat home with people that have kids or other animals...which would be at least do the right thing and warn people. Try to make it a no-kill shelter so the animal isn't immediately euthanized when you let them know about her aggression.

    And btw. your original cat was probably not used to other animals. She viewed the kitten as a threat,,,its totally natural for cats to act that way when they are forced together. That's why its a gradual thing to work on them being together.  

  2. omg how awful. why would you just throw your cat away??

  3. Wow, wtf... you threw out a cat.  How about giving the cat to a good home, rescue or shelter?  A cat is not a toy, video game or old pair of shoes!  The fact that the cat may have been hit buy a car or killed by coyotes, is your fault.

  4. maybe ???

  5. yes

  6. shame on you...

  7. Probably. And as others said, you should find the kitten a home with someone who will look after her properly because that someone is not you. And promise you wil never own another animal.

    Edit - You're an k**b. Sorry but I had to get that off my chest. k**b. And you should be spayed.

  8. Hopefully she didn't die and someone found her and brought her to a shelter; which you should have done!

  9. I cannot believe what I am reading !!! No one who loves Cats could evr do that.  Taking on a new kitten when you alrerady have an adult cat is such a gradual thing, you need to spend time with them both , and a lot more with the older one reassuring it of your love.  It is very natural for the older one to attack, but after a while you would have found with patience on your part they would get better.  My heart breaks for your poor little cat just thrown out. :-( Tania B Australia  

  10. Another typically irresponsible cat owner.

    No, of course it won't'll just go and kill wildlife.

    So don't worry, you won't ever have to worry about it starving to death.


    Though by the sounds of it, the cat is far better off without you for an "owner"

  11. you should have seen how your cat would react to you bringing another animal in the house before you threw it out. if your cat isn't used to being outside it could be dangerous, is it declawed? wow i feel bad for your cat. im not saying your cat will die but it will have a hard time considering its such a change from its last environment. hey lets throw you out in the woods with no food and maybe you'll get your answer lol.

  12. Yeah she probably did

    Hope you don't throw out the kitten when it misbehaves. You should find that baby a new home and never get another pet again.

  13. Probably.  But your older cat was there first, and I think you should have given the kitten away.  That's so sad, but I guess some people don't treat their animals as they should.  I'm sorry if this sounds corny, but  Gandhi once said..."The greatness of a nation and it's moral progress, can be judged by the way it's animals are treated"


    You have two children, the one does not stop drawing blood from the other, now what are u going to do?????????  Kill your child!!!!!

    We have a problem here.       YOU!!!!!!!!

    How do u sleep at night???????

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