
I had two dreams that I'm wondering about,

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Sorry that this is so long. Okay well the first one was so weird. It was my mom giving birth to me! I didn't see any gruesome details(like from Knocked Up) but it was slightly bloody and stuff. It was just weird. I don't remember much of it though. But anyways I kind of remember it being a struggle, then it was just fine and she went between holding me and handing me to the nurse. I was seeing it from the corner of the room. Okay next dream, I'm running around my grandma's yard, doing laps and stuff. I try to run on the edge of her yard but the fence breaks and I fall into the family graveyard. All the graves are pretty old, I feel bad for disrespecting them. We can only read a few, the others are so dirty that they're unreadable. My cousin starts taking chalk and drawing on everything. I decide that I'm going to try to read this one gravestone. My cousin says it's impossible, that's she's tried, but I say whatever. At first I can't read a thing. Then my cousin starts drawing all over the gravestone and I'm like "Stop!" after struggling for awhile, all the sudden I can read it! I'm like "Suck it *cousin*!". Then my cousin reads it out loud and apparently it was where a murderer was buried, and I feel bad for spending so much time on it. Then my aunt wants pudding, and I want pudding, so my other cousin(who's a mom) saays go inside and get some, but I'm like no I want aunties pudding, the kind she makes on the stove, and she's like "Whatever, store bought pudding comes along with mother hood" then she very slyly slaps me! Wtf! Ok is this just a random dream or what?




  1. ew! for the 1st one and maybe ur having flash backs form when u were a kid? pr maybe what u wanted ur childhood to be, cha it is radom, and the lsapping part is kinda funny cuz of the pudding thing ahah

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