
I had two dreams where people hate me!?

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I'm hoping you can help me out on my dreams.

They were both in the same night and the first on was myself looking up a myspace page that someone has written about me saying very horrible things. I remember particularly in the dream that i looked at the comments to see if anyone had slated the page and stuck up for me but no one had.

I then had another dream that same night where i was in a room with what was said to be my whole year group and school. There was a man at the front and he told us all to write down 5 people who we hated in the year group. For some reason i immidiatly thought "oh my god everyone is going to say me!" While writing the names down a girl called me baldy (i have very little hair due to alopecia) and i went crazy and started shouting at her, then i looked around to see if i'd gotton any sympathy from people so that they wouldn't vote for me but after class i stayed behind and the man said everyone had voted for me.

What could these mean?

Much appreciated




  1. nothing really you just have low self esteem about your self not that many people hate you, but you dream about your last thought your just to tired to remember and when you sleep it turns intoa visual

  2. To dream that you are being hated by others, signifies honor and power

  3. dreams usually mean nothing what-so-ever. I usually dream some of my worst fears too, so I wouldn't worry about it, it's just your mind playing games on you while you sleep, ahaha.

  4. is your name sophie?

  5. Tell them to "go somewhere"

  6. Dreams mean nothing. Whats with all the stupid gullible girls on yahoo.

  7. Nothing its just a nighmare nothing to worrie about. Its kinda like the falling dreams everyone has them some point in there life.

  8. Your dreams could mean that you are feeling insecure about yourself, maybe due to your condition.

  9. Im sorry but i dont know the answer to that one.

  10. it means that ur worried about ppl hatin u juss losin up and dont think about it

  11. You're nervous about what people think of you. No big deal, so am I. You just dreamed it.

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