
I had unprotected and he came in me but the next day i started my period but it didnt seem normal?

by  |  earlier

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well my period was like a day late and he came in me but the next day i woke up and wasn't on my period but a couple hours later i was and it was really light and now its heavy but my normal periods are heavy then light




  1. use condoms plz

  2. Why don't people use condoms?  It protects against pregnancy.  I hate people that are like we didn't use protection am i pregnant.  If u don't wanna be pregnant use protection.

  3. You probably aren't pregnant because it was so close to your period, but you could be, so if you can use Plan B. The weird flow is probably normal variation, you probably wouldn't even have your egg fertilized this soon after much less implanted. Go to a clinic or your doctor and get an STD test unless you are ABSOLUTELY certain he is clean (as in you know he has been faithful since his last STD test), and if you're worried you can take a pregnancy test in a couple weeks. In the meantime, talk to your doctor about going on birth control and use condoms every single time in the future.

  4. Don's worry - it is your period. You were already in your not fertile days (one day before period) - read more below

  5. This is when it's a waiting game. If it hasn't been 72 hours since the intercourse, try getting Plan B (available over the counter at all drug stores if you are over 18.)

    There is always a possibility of pregnancy when you have unprotected s*x, no matter what time of the month (even in the middle of your period.) And if it is close to the end of the cycle, you can still bleed, or you may have implantation bleeding.

    About every three months or so, my period does something similar to yours, though. I'll have a normal first day, then it stops for 12 hours or so, then picks back up for the next two days. (Aunt Flo only keeps me company for about three days.) So, this may be very normal and nothing to worry about. Wait about a week and take a test if you are worried.

    What you really need to do in the future is ALWAYS have protection. Since you are sexually active, you should go see a doctor and determine what your best mode of protection is.

    Good luck!

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