
I hade a yahoo group that was in smoking and it now ended up in adult how can i change this?

by  |  earlier

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I hade a yahoo group that was in smoking and it now ended up in adult how can i change this?




  1. Have you tried to change it yourself?  Click on edit  (beside your cover page description )go down the new window until you see Category.  Click on  edit and you should be able to  change it to  where you want it to be.

  2. stop smoking while nekkid? idk

  3. once your group is in adult, only yahoo can reset it.

    this is happening to many groups for no apparent reason however check to be sure there is no adult content within your group

    send in the below form

    include the category it should be in- you may get an auto reply but thats about it- unless there is  specific reason it was sent to adult, yahoo has replied.

    owners have reported the group gets reset to the correct category within 24 hrs

    Help form

  4. Can I re-categorize my group?

    You can, but only once. After that, submit a request for our team of editors to recategorize it. (This is up to the editors and is not a guarantee that they will recategorize the group.)

    To recategorize your group:

    - Go to the Settings page of your group.

    - Click on the Edit button in the Category heading.

    - Click on the directory links until you find the category that best suits your group.

    - Click Put my group here.

    If you can't see the Edit button, you’ve already recategorized your group. You may submit a request to be recategorized by our team of editors - go to:

    NOTE:  Yahoo Groups sometimes changes the group category.  If this is the case, you will not be albe to change your group!

    For the general Yahoo! Group Help form:

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