
I hang out with the popular people, but i still feel left out?

by  |  earlier

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I'm in grade 9, my freshman year. I hang out with the popular girls and popular boys. I'm not bragging at all..because theres nothing to brag about. I'm the only asian girl in my "cleak."

I know that my friends are always letting me join in their parties and always including me with everything they do. Well, their nice people and i'm never left out whatever they do.

But i have this fake personality whenever i'm with them, i talk like.. umm... like an idiot. The way i'm typing right now is my real personality. If i'm in my fake personality, I wud be typingg like thiss.

I don't have any best friends.. i can never let out any secrets to anyone because i can't trust them. If i had a crush on a guy they would so make a big deal out of it. I feel so left out.. i talk to people, like i gossip and i have alot of fun with them, but i can never ever let out any of my darkest secrets. Since their "popular" they can spread news through the whole school in like 15 minutes, i'm serious.

What should i do?

How could i get someone's trust? How can i trust someone?




  1. dude, i have the same problem

    well sorta, i hang out with alll of the u know popular people, but i have to ask them to chill and stuff

    and like idk its hard becasue they never call me to ask to hangout

    so i dont know if there just using me becasue they have nothing else to do, and if i dont hangout with them theres no one else to hangout with.. lol

    idk, just u know try ur best, and maybe becasue its a new school year just be yourself and see if they still like you and if they dont well try finding friends from a different school or different click...

    hope i helped..

  2. Something similar happens to me, the difference is, I am myself with them too. I call those "popular friends" chill/party peeps. But they are not your friends. It also depends how you classify your friends, for me a friend is someone like a sister/brother, so I can say i have only ONE friend, the rest are just people I can chill with and have fun with. You know you are with friends once you feel comfortable with being yourself.. and you FEEL the trust. I would recommend you start being YOURSELF, just the way you are, and see who are the ones that stick around. Those, then you can progress into a friendship..

    Ohhh.. and i dont agree with some ppl that say "get a not popular friend that you can trust" because being popular or unpopular are just labels, go with your intuition and get to know people no matter how they have been labeled as, they are still human beings at the end.

  3. you should join a club or play a sport or something without your popular friends. that way, you'll have to open up to other people and be yourself! just get involved in things you want to do, but your friends might not like. you can still be friends with them, but you'll have a whole new group of friends to hang out with. they may not be as open to you at first, because they probably consider you popular and stuff, but just keep at it. I'm going to be a sophomore, and i understand where youre coming from. at my middle school, everyone was so cliquey and shallow. i was too. but in high school, even though its the same exact kids, we've grown up, and people dont care as much about popularity. just try to get involved, it sounds corny, but really, trying something by yourself will put you in a situation where you have to make new friends, just show them the real you!

  4. Maybe you feel left out because you're interacting with these peoples' masks and not their true personas. Ask yourself, "am I befriending them or their status?" As you age you will realize that so-called popularity is a hollow existence that rarely survives much past high school. On some level you're already sensing that, which is why you're uncomfortable to some degree. Be at peace with yourself, and others will respond accordingly. You will recognize a person you can truly confide in by their entire demeanor (in most cases). So, if you associate with folks on that basis, you'll find the place where you belong...which is actually anywhere you want to be. Good luck to you.

  5. well, try to make non-popular friends.

    people that look trustworthy.

    you cant just be fake, thats just g*y.

    if they dont like the real you, then whats the point,

    there not your real friends. there just gossip starters,

    that everyone secretly hates.

    so if you feel what you call fake around them,

    then hangout with them but dont be with them all the time.

    try to make new friends, and give them some of your time too.

    but i would just stop being there friends they seem, like backstabbers

    so just be careful

  6. If your  not showing them your real personalitly or faking one then there not your real friends. Try 2 find someone that acts the same way you do. And idk how you get someones trust it takes a long time.

  7. make new friends honey. you shouldn't be around people, even if they're nice, who you can't be yourself around. you don't want to be someone you're not.  

  8. then they arent your real true friends then if you have to act fake.

    only your real friends would accept you and your true self--no need to act different for people to accept you.

    find better people to hang out with

  9. find friends you can be yourself around...acting like someone your not is like lying to them, if they dont like you for you f*ck can find people that will

  10. then they arent ur true friends lke they can still be ur friends but not ur best friends. make friends with everyone thats wat will make u popular. and find people with the same interests as u.

    i hope it helped!

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