
I hardly sweat and get hot easily? WHY????

by  |  earlier

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I seem to have a condition where I don't sweat when my body temp is elevated, and that can causes overheating (red face, headaches, etc). It takes a long time for it to go away.

I am definitely not overweight, I am fairly athletic, but this prevents me from doing some sports because it makes me so uncomfortable. I drink lots of water and TRY to eat lots of fruits and veggies. I am only a teen. What causes this and how can I prevent it from happening all the time? It's making me depressed :( HELP! Thanks




  1. if youre really drinking enough water it could be a problem with sodium, potassium, electrolytes or your autonomic nervous system.  see a doctor and ask if you should also see a neurologist or a sports medicine doc.

  2. make a doctors appointment. a doctor will be able to help you alot more then anyone on here.

  3. ok.... first of all dont drink water while doing sports.. most people get confused with that... it PREVENTS you from sweating.. and about the salt.... you shouldnt have it... thats what makes you retain liquids

  4. My mom knew someone like you. What happens is...your body sweats to cool you down, so because you don't sweat, your skin/body gets hotter much faster and easier. If you are doing sports on a hot day outside...BRING A SPRAY BOTTLE. But, also do not do too much outside on hot days. THe girl my mom knew would get sick really fast if she did alot outside, because she didn't sweat that much either. good luck! and drink lots of water too!

  5. salt. if you dont have any salt in your diet, i would suggest trying that. if you dont have enough salt in your body, you can pretty much die.

    if that doesnt help, see your doctor right away

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