
I hate B.S theories, finally heres the true facts! ZEITGEIST?

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Today I woke up thinking the world was running OK.

After being bed ridden by chest pains i started exploring the internet and found this video.

It outlines the problems with societies with TRUE FACTS and not made up theories.

There is something seriously wrong with this world and if we dont realise what is going on and take a stand we will end up in a one world government with all of our 'liberties' taken away.

For example, who pays income tax in the USA?

Did you know there is actually no law that states you have to do this. Instead the Central bank of America is literally taking away 3 months pay from YOU straight into their own pockets.

I used to think all of this was made up bullshit, but watching this video has seriously opened up my eyes and it upset me.

I almost gave up after the first 5 minutes because it sounded so S****y and farfetched. But please for your sake keep watching, at least for another 20 minutes.

Thank you




  1. "Did you know there is actually no law that states you have to do this."

    tell that to al capone.

    and i thought andrew jackson abolished the us bank.

  2. If the content is all new to you, then watch the whole thing!!!

    Zeitgeist is entertainment designed to wake you up. It contains errors and because of that, people can mistakenly dismiss the entire film. It is a movie, not a documentary. It is silly how so people go to great lengths to "debunk" a movie. If it is all "conspiracy theory", why not just ignore it? People take the mistakes in Zeitgeist far too seriously. Can you think of any other movie subjected to such a high degree of scrutiny for its factual correctness?

    The producer seems to assert that Christianity is merely an agent of social control. I disagree but respect his right to express that view. There are many web sites that debunk Part One. Do a Google search for "Zeitgeist Christianity debunk".

    The message of part 1 is that there are people in positions of power and influence that are lying and attempting to control you. It was not necessary to attack Christianity to make that point (thereby insulting the majority of people of the free world). One need not look further than the corporate-controlled main stream media to find an agent of social control. If any of the topics in Zeitgeist Parts Two and Three are new to you, the reason for that is mass media censorship and brainwashing. The main stream media is not what it used to be, and not what many people believe it to be. It has become a propaganda machine for government and corporate interests. For more about that, see my answer here:-;...

    Considering that, I believe it fair to state that the corporate media is an agent of social control in this year 2008.

    Because of Zeitgeist producer's choice to use Christianity for the Part One message, I suspect the movie to be a trojan horse. See my answer here:-;...

    Re Parts Two and Three:  9/11 and New World Order (global government) are connected although I'm not sure whether Zeitgeist gets that across effectively. If I were the producer and if I wanted to inform, I would have placed greater emphasis on the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission and how globalist organizations control foreign policy. See:-

    Read from CFR's web site and its publications (including about integrating North American, part of the global government plan), and connect the dots. It is plain to see that CFR stands for global government. As the globalists get closer to their global government aim, they become more open about it.

    For more insight, research globalist David Rockefeller (Honorary Chairman of the CFR and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission). New World Order is not about some cabal of Satanists plotting to control the world. It is about elites like Rockefeller pressing for one-world socialist government serving controlled by elites and corporations. They are well on their way to achieving that goal. The main stream media speaks little about it because the media is owned and controlled by CFR members and people & corporations that profit from globalization, war, and the war on terror.

    There are so many theories about new world order that people overlook what is happening today, right now, before their very eyes. That is gradual implementation of global government and the dismantling of national sovereignty. There is more to say here about new world order. See my answer here:-;...

    RE 9/11:  9/11 was either a false flag, or it was exploited like one. If we are to believe the government's official excuse that air defense and intelligence failures were honest mistakes, then why were people at the top not held accountable? If the government was a corporation, heads would have rolled and there would have been mass-firings, including the CEO. That did not happen after 9/11. Rather, people responsible for "mistakes" were promoted. The first order of business should have been addressing the reason for the failures and firing many people. Instead, the government chose to start the gradual and on-going undermining of the Constitution and creation of a surveillance state in America.

    The Constitution and Bill of Rights are major impediments to the global government agenda. An excuse was needed to begin the dismantling process thereof, and 9/11 provided the perfect excuse. How handy was it that a single event also served (indirectly) to induce us to accept illegal war?

    There is a great deal of compelling evidence for government foreknowledge and complicity in 9/11. Keep in mind that if the government was involved, it was not "the government". Rather, it was criminal elements inside the government and their associates outside the government. Most members of the government were honestly deceived. The corporate main stream media protects the criminals by muzzling the 9/11 story and painting anyone questioning it as a radical moron so as to divide the people and discourage any challenge to the official account of 9/11.

    As 9/11 kicked the new world order agenda into high gear, I believe it more fruitful to focus 9/11 learning on "why" and "who benefited" rather than the "how was it done" theories. We may never know how it was done because much of the evidence was destroyed; however, a clear picture is now emerging as to who benefits and why it was exploited. To inspire some thought in that direction, research the neo-conservative group "Project for a New American Century" (in my sarcastic words called "Cheney & Co.") and its members' associations with the Bush Administration. Read their "manifesto" describing their geopolitical aspirations. It seems eerily familiar to what we see happening now.

    Also watch Mike Ruppert's film about geopolitics, criminality in government, evidence of foreknowledge and exploitation of 9/11:-

    Ruppert only briefly connects the dots to discuss global government then the film ends abruptly. Watch for that, otherwise you may mistakenly interpret his message as meaning the wars are merely about oil.

    For greater insight into 9/11, it is important to know the flaws of the 9/11 Commission and its investigation. See Ray Griffin's film:-

    To assist with analyzing the 9/11 Ommission Report, use the report mirror at "911 Research" site. The mirror exists to address the problem that the official report online is not presented in a way easy to evaluate. The mirror ties it all together with hyperlinks and commentary to note contradictions and omissions.

    Main page -

    Report Mirror -

    The Families of victims of 9/11 documented their frustrations with and disappointment in the 9/11 Commission in their film:-

    I have an opinion about the Zeitgeist's take on the Federal Reserve and I keep that opinion to myself because, quite frankly, I wish to stay alive.

    If you do your own research, be careful what you read.  There are staged government disinformation sites all over the web, designed to throw you. They discredit the truth movement by putting out ridiculous theories that are easily debunked (e.g. the "no planes theory" for 9/11). There are also paid agents all over the internet posing as users in forums like this one. Generally, if people presenting a web site are not willing to be named (and you cannot verify that they are real people), you might confirm what you read there from sites where owners do disclose who they are. Some of my Yahoo contacts discussed that issue recently when one of them noticed a suspected 9/11 disinformation site. See:-;...

    For further self-research, first learn about the CFR and study PNAC and watch the Ruppert film.  Then research 9/11. A good site for 9/11 research is this well-sourced site:-

    Arab terrorism is real.  The terrorists hate us because of our foreign policy, not for our freedom and wealth. Our chances of being injured from terrorism are about the same as being struck by lightning, despite inadequate port and border security. If Arab terrorists wanted to launch a large scale attack here, there is nothing to stop them and that has been so since 2001, yet such attacks did not occur. Hmmm. Why then does the dismantling of civil liberties take precedence over securing borders and ports? For ports, the reason is that there is no real threat. For borders, the reason is the criminals pulling the strings in government WANT illegal immigration. Dissolving borders is on the agenda, first for North American union and later for new world order. That the left and right blame each other for failing on illegal immigration is just pageantry to forestall action. Neither side wants to resolve illegal immigration because both parties have been hijacked by globalist interests.

  3. wow, great answer BJK, I dont understand why you got thumbs down, your answer was thorough and honest.

    As for my answer to this question....i dont think i could say it like BJK

  4. You were right, and your instincts are too.

    Let me ask you: Some strange guy comes up to you on the street, and says, "Dude, you gotta eat this stuff here. Take it all and enjoy"

    You should be even more careful what you put into your mind.

  5. As you have read here , the truth represents itself in lackluster form and must , in order to protect the innocent and expose the people who will protect such a system of control.

    People have a hard time believing they are born into bondage , even when they make a six figure salary, you are still born into bondage,slavery,control. it is all around you , you cannot see it or touch it or taste it, but you know it is there and the only way you can beat that sense of reality is to debunk a subject that not only arouses your speculation but sparks fear into the back of your mind of

    "What if" this is all true and we have been lied too by Knights of Malta.

    I suggest you try to wear the pale horse a day at a time. Nobody is forcing this information down your throat, you yourself have been led into a sclerotic world of information, use with a compassion for the effects that this might have on you will spread to others if you just believe.

    I for one have never been part of this controlled system, I refused to take part at and early age and still 37 years later have kept my word, I live,eat,raise my family, and investigate the truth all without education in repetition, without huge backings of monetary funds, without religion pushing down on a movement. Truth is not what you would think, It is the light and it is the darkness of all humanity. Granted the lack of education will keep me out of positions of such grand notoriety, but then again I don't wish to be famous , just heard.

    This is another style of "movie" you state is total BS, some of it is, your correct, but the majority is not and should be used as a tool, not a fear injection or a starting point for debunking.

    BJK is a great example of what to do with this information and how to siphon it into your own daily use.

    Peace out

  6. it is all lies and half truths. this is a piece of stupidity, there is NO central bank of the USA.and there are plenty of laws requiring taxes ,In fact you probably voted for some in your lifetime.Do not believe these Fools and Idiots who made this piece of propaganda.

  7. there are a lot of strange things going on right now, but just because they're strange doesn't make them untrue. I agree with BJK, can't really say it better than that.

    By the way there is no law that we have to pay income tax.

    people are put in jail for other reasons like filing a false statement or something like that. Only politicians can do that.

  8. I also thought it was fascinating.

    it's called the 'movie' not a documentary so it's designed to make you think. it organizes the jumbled messages we are receiving & i think its ideas are mostly logical & accurate.

    although i thought it gave an extremely clear explanation of the concept of religion in part one, this should have been shown in a separate film however, as two controversial issues like these can't be debated together. that's the most fundamental problem with Zeitgeist.

    Part Two is the plain truth about 9/11 with even more interesting parts left out! everything can be backed-up by researching in depth on the internet:

    the towers were demolished on purpose...

    the explosions in the towers are well-documented by the firemen & eye-witnesses...

    the columns were cut & dislodged by the explosions...

    yellow, molten iron was seen dripping from the towers - proof of thermite melting the steel...

    (some 'debunkers' say the molten metal was the aluminium from the planes, but molten iron was also found at WTC7)

    NORAD fighter-pilots did not defend the skies as they would have done because they had been confused by a 'war games' practice mission in case of terrorist attacks at exactly the same hour, that day. even the Russians got confused & offered to pull out of the practice due to the 'real' emergency they heard about. the British police also had 'terrorist attack' trainings at exactly the same time of day as the London Bombings.

    Pentagon - i don't know, why hasn't the FBI released all the footage? the evidence of a plane is lame & there are strange coincidences why people weren't where they 'should' have been....

    Pittsberg - i don't know, but such peculiar evidence of the plane....

    i liked the way the movie showed that the 9/11 'false flag' - where the government stages an event pretending to be someone else to gain bad publicity - was not just a 'one-off' but had been done before by the US govt.

    Part three is completely accurate in my opinion.

    Banking members have taken over the economy. someone has power over you if you're in debt to them. the Medici family of Bankers in Florence, Italy, once even chose who the Pope was to be! then, if you have power, you realise that the way to make money is by creating a war.

    (i didn't realise J.D.Rockefeller made $200,000,000 from World War I?!)

    but nobody, just nobody, messes with the Federal Reserve Bank. it doesn't belong to America, it's privately owned. Woodrow Wilson had something to say against it, Louis McFadden too, a Congressman - who was poisoned at a banquet & JFK of course....shot...

    ....the Gold Seizure in 1933 by the Federal Reserve, means our notes & coins, have no 'meaning' whatsoever.

    btw, the US does have 'four giant bases' built in Iraq - that makes a total of 14 permenant bases. US troops will NEVER be withdrawn. Iraq is a US colony now & eventually they even want americans to go & live there.

    people who don't like Zeitgeist, don't like to hear the truth.

    "the last thing the Men behind the Curtain want, is a conscious, informed public, capable of critical thinking".

  9. Go ASk Wesley Snipes about this one, I think he is only going to do 4 Years in the joint for trying this one

  10. I guess that means you will no longer pay any taxes, let us know how that works out for you.

  11. You need to do better research- I can assure you that paying income tax is the LAW.

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