
I hate bananas, Is there anything other than salt that I can get my potassium from.?

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  1. orange juice, potatoes, avocados, tomatoes, broccoli, soybeans and apricots are high in potassium  

  2. avocados, potatos, apricots, beets, spinach, raisins, lima beans

  3. yessss thank you i HATE bananas too

    my mom says peanut butter =]

  4. So how can you decrease the amount of sodium and increase potassium? The best way is to start thinking "fresh" and "unprocessed". This means buying less packaged foods and more fruits, vegetables, beans, lean meats, dairy products and poultry. This approach conveys a double benefit since these foods are low in sodium and high in potassium.

  5. The peels on potatoes! They actually have the most potassium, more than bananas!

  6. I hate bananas as well i always have since i was small the smell makes me wanna puke  

  7. Prunes are much higher in potassium than bananas, and I think they are delicious.. hope you do too!

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