
I hate being 6"4 and I'm 16!

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Do I have like a growing problem or soemthing? I feel so lanky and I feel so unattractive, its weird. Whats your view?




  1. lol your fine dont worry.


  2. its just a thing thats happend!

    yep you are tall. but whats the problem!

    Some girls like tall guys ..

    i for one dont mind them.


  3. You're fine, you're just tall.  The only thing unattractive about it is that you make girls like me look even shorter than we already are.  In fact, judging by your avatar, you're quite attractive.    

    Sexually, it can also make things more complicated with girls under 5', but I have a feeling that's not what you wanted to know...

  4. lol dont worry bout it champ.

    if it does worry ya, get one of your mates to get a hacksaw and do some backyard surgery haha

  5. being tall is not a bad thing! girls in my school find tall guys cute.

  6. That's a good height to be, mate.

  7. Play basketball.  Build muscle.  

  8. I like guys that are tall. my brothers are 6'0 and up, my uncles are the same way. I only have one girl friend so I hang out with a bunch of guys. And they are all six feet- up tall and one of them are 6'6. So I would perfer a taller guy not a short and scronny little dude.  

  9. im 6"1 and in 8th grade i mean as people grow taller you'll fell less weird so just hang in there

  10. At least no one will be looking down on you. Sorry, couldn't resist.

    There's nothing you can do about it so just try and make the most of it.  Personally I prefer tall guys.  I dated a guy once who was my height but I always felt strange being with him.  I felt that he was shorter and there was only the one date.  I guess I'm shallow but I do prefer tall men.  

  11. who cares... A lot of people wish they could be tall (like me). I may no longer be able to play soccer because i am too short. Feel lucky ok? You are fine no matter how tall you are and lots of people will ifnd that attractive so stop complaining

  12. You may feel awkward now, but be confidant! Girls love tall guys, so be grateful you have the height! You're probably just feeling weird about it since you aren't used to it yet. But you'll definitely be glad when you are a bit older and grown into it. My fiance is 6'2 and it feels nice to be a small girl in the arms of a tall guy :)

  13. Stop hating your height!  When you're eighteen, girls will think you are so hot.

  14. Think about the 16 year old boy that is 4 foot 9.

  15. alot of girls love tall guys. I won't date anyone under six foot...i just perfer tall guys.

  16. Well, I personally LOVE tall guys. and your A foot and 2 inches taller then me, lol. Also you can start working out. like crunches and lifting weights.  

  17. Most guys are probably jealous of you. Just be proud of your height. pretty soon, when everybody else starts growing tall, you'll feel relatively normal.

    Oh, and being tall is very attractive. 6'4 is way better than being 4'6.

  18. i'd love to be so tall i suggest putting on some bulk and working out so you'll be wider and look absolutely hot

  19. wow if i were you i would be extremely happy to be 6' 4"! and at the age of 16, dang! my best friend just turned 16 and he is 6' 5" and lovin it. He is our basketball team center and he gets tons of friends. i dont know why ur frowning there are so many people who wanna be as tall as you so use ur gift. i recomend playin bball or football and definatly buildin muscle. look at Dwight Howard, he was lanky at first, but now is a beast. I wish you the best of luck and if at anytime you hate being tall think of all the short people who always have to LOOK UP to you lol. I hope my opinion helped

  20. I was 6'2" when I was 16-and the tallest guy in my class. I enjoyed being taller than everyone. I think some people just grow faster at an earlier age, cuz thats as tall as I ever got. I wouldn't feel unattactive at all, it just takes your brain a little while to get used to running those big arms and legs-probably why you feel so "lanky" Enjoy the view!

  21. Wow. You are frickin' tall! You probably have hit an early growth spurt. When you are that tall at an early age, you tend to be thinner, gawky, and awkward. I am 14 and only 5'7". SO you are a food 3/4 of a foot taller than me.  

  22. i think you are just fine you are lucky you are tall most guys wont be and girls dont really like short guys. you are 16! you are just going to be a tall dude

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