
I hate being a teenager.?

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everything is so unbalanced. i swear, i think going to a psychiatrist will save my life.

i wish adults respected us a little more, and i wish our whole teenage society was different.




  1. Welcome to the cult.

  2. I feel your pain. I hate it when adults treat you like a child. Just because we aren't "legal" yet.

  3. ugh join the club gal


  4. Teenage years are without a doubt hard, but it should get better.

  5. Young lady I once had the same feelings you  are having now , and I had a wise older man say this to me and I have held it in my heart & mind ever since (and now the kind older gentleman is deceased), but this what he said to me:(I'll use granny5 ok?) he said these should be the most exciting times of your life, but in order for people to like you, you first have to like yourself, and you have to respect yourself first, then others will respect  too! I didn't really understand what of all he meant when he said this to me, so I ask him,(and he didn't get mad at me,or make me feel like an  idiot because I did not understand), so he said this to me so I would understand:granny 5 you have to believe in yourself & God, you have to have respect for yourself & God, and others will see a difference in you, and they will respect you also; if there is something about your life you don't like CHANGE IT! He then said to me:(granny 5)I love you, you're very special in my eyes andGod's eyes,(granny 5) do you love yourself?And at that time I   guess I did not, because I didn't think there was anything about worth loving, so I said no, and he said:   WHAT??????What do you mean you don't love you? God made you you're part of Him, for you to say you don't love (granny 5) is like saying you don't love God; well of course I knew I loved God, short end of story, the gentleman  was my dad, and I can look into a mirror and tell me I love me, and go on with my day, everyday I thank God for my life,and EVERYTHING IS FANTASTIC! So, maybe this will work for you also, just rememeber little one thing,GOD DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES, AND HE DONT MAKE JUNK! Pray to God, He'll help you, and He will NEVER LEAVE YOUR SIDE, He only wants to help you.He loves you!

  6. we're all like that honey. 'rents are more annoying than EVER, guys, school, and other pressure stuff. keep in mind that EVERYONE goes through this. heck, ur friends probably are the same. adults don't respect us cuz they're used to the whole teenagers-sleep-around-and-do-drugs rep. if you want respect, show people that u can be trusted, ur responsible, ect. everyone will think "wow! SHE IS A GREAT KID!" IDK... adults r like that. wierd....

  7. Get used to it....teenagers have it easier than adults when you look at the big picture....consider yourself lucky...your parents take care of you and you don't need a job to pay rent and bills....I think being a teenager is fun...maybe you should get some friends...

  8. Seriously. They expect us to be immature and ignorant because we're not their age yet. Youth should have more respect.

  9. Welcome to the world of being a teenager. It gets a little better in college, but doesn't really improve til you've done your time as an undergrad...

  10. Yeah I know, I'm 17 but I just cant wait until I turn 18. Just for the fact that my parents wont have to been on me all of the time...I want my own space!

    But I think the reason why adults dont respect us is because they think that since we are teenagers that we all have s*x, do drugs, stay depressed, drop out of school, have babies...and so on. But if you live a good life...none of that really applies. And they tell us that your teen years are the best years of your life. But the way they make out to be is totally different. But you only have a few years to go...

  11. Hang in there. As soon as you turn 18 and get out of high school life is sooooooo much better. The problem with adults is they dont remember being teenagers, all they can see is the now. Good luck

  12. Welcome to the club, hun.

    You can wish all you want, but it's not gonna change anything. Chill with your friends, enjoy the little responsibilities you have, and attempt to have fun.

    <3 Fedora Nora

  13. Don't worry it won't last forever, u'll grow up, and when u have u'll do better. Believe it or not those are the same people that as teens complained about the same thing and now they do the same to others.

  14. Welcome to the club.

    Meeeeee to.

  15. do something about it

  16. welcome to the club...

  17. yeah i know what you're talking about.

    just be that one teenager that adults will be able to respect.

  18. Me too I'm 13, right now I'm hating life in general. I've lost so many people this year. First one of my friends hung hisself, then my grandpa got shot, then my grandma died, then another one of my girlfriends my friend was killed. And I might just be next. I'm trying to be strong for one of my guy friends  he's turning to alchol and weed.He's always fighting with his parents. But I'm falling with him, we're falling together. Right now I'm listening to "Me & my drank" by lil wayne, and I'm here with my "syrup" too. We aint ridin 24's we sippin 24's. drop a 4 in a 20 oz. and call it 24's. D@mn I gotta here my momma mouth. I wish ppl would just stop judging me because this S**t is hard and I don't see not a d@mn body trying lend me a helping hand.


    John F.

    Evie Chavis

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