
I hate being a teenager?

by Guest59405  |  earlier

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I am 14 years old and I just hate it sure sometimes its fun being able to be "free" but sometimes I just hate it when I see 18 year olds doing whatever they want with their boyfriends staying out late and driving. It makes me mad cause I have a boyfriend and I cant be at his house without someone there and we kinda have curfews and its just not as free as some older teens have it I cannot wait to be like 21 does anyone else feel the same way?




  1. i feel the same way, but be patient. your parents will recognize that youre getting older. and then that way you will be able to look back at you teenage years and say those were good times or something like that. because if you rush things to much youre not going to enjoy yourself and its gonna suck. trust me.

  2. honey we all felt that way are your age.  All I can say is don't rush life honey you will get there and when you are there you will wish you was 14 again. I know it don't seem it but believe me I am right you will...

  3. shut up ur not gonna be a teenager forever so put up with it while it last cause when u get older ur gonna go into senility and ull want to be a teen again and once you do become an adult you better not complain about working and how hard ur life is then, and believe me it will be, because you asked for it.

  4. Everyone wants to be older. And then you get older and you think "Man I wish I were 16 I didn't really have any responsibilities" As you get older life will be more complicated and you'll have to start fending for yourself. Yes, you'll have support, but sometimes it is fun just to be a kid. Enjoy it while it lasts.  

  5. yeah i feel the same way sometimes. i'm 14 too, and it can be really hard that parents watch our every move. but just remember that everyone has to go through this, and everyone also gets a chance to gros up and be totally and completely free.

  6. Yes and a lot of those 18 yr olds end up pregnant, alone and being told how to live thier lives by their parents because they have nowhere to go.

    Between NOW and the tie time you are 21, you plan for your future so you can support yourself and you watch the lives of all the girls you know who are 14-21 now and see what happens to most of them in the next 7 yrs hon.

    Your going to find out with freedom comes a butt load of responsibilities.

    You are chaperoned and have a curfew because your parents love you and understand how in the heat of the moment 2 teens hormones can make them do things that affect their lives for the next 18 yrs.

  7. No.

    I'm know enough to realize what can happens when alone with your boyfriend.

  8. It is frustrating to be young and have limits.  I understand that you want more freedom and less restrictions... but the fact of the matter is you are young and you do need boundaries.  You should consider yourself lucky that your parents care enough about you to put restrictions on you.  Really at 14 why do you need to be out late or with your boyfriend alone?    

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