
I hate being the center of attention, how can i deal with it?

by Guest33666  |  earlier

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I have been getting dreams of being the center of attention latley. I don't like standing out. I don't wear clothes that are different from everyone else, i don't get different haircuts, ect. also, i even get uncomfortable when my parents or my family complement me on the way i look even though at school, i will get comments and i dont mind them. It bothers me when my mom say "oh you look so pretty" or "your so cute" and on my birthday when my parents are watching me open my presents from them, i get really shy and uncomfortable. this year i had a b-day party with a girl who had the same b-day as i am. i felt soo much better because it was not all about me. am i too self conscienios? is there any way i can help myself with this problem? I also don't like when people don't like me even though i tell myself that everyone can't like everybody. I try do say and do things that won't make people angry at me. (sorry if i spelled some words wrong. i hope you guys can understand it)




  1. well for one you are a lot like me - I don't like calling attention to myself and I don't like asking anyone for anything - but I'm learning to get out of my shell some.  The thing is that it isn't always best to blend in with the plants..  if you know what I'm saying..   so in a sense you have to do things that are somewhat uncomfortable if you want to do anything.  Like I hate asking for anything, but If I want a job I need to look for one and interview for it and ask for it and all that.  If I want to go to lunch with someone then I need to ask them if they want to go.  It's hard to do.   I can relate..

  2. There is nothing "truly" wrong with you.  You are shy and have a slight "self esteem" problem.  You are young and once you get around more people and learn to open up things will be easier for you.  You need to learn to take things in baby steps as far as "opening" up and trying to a bit more of a social butterfly.  I always the exact same way you are and am now 48.  I was finally diagnosed with a condition called "social anxiety".  It isn't all as bad as it sounds and I sometimes get panic attacks in "big" crowds but with the help of therapy I do much better.  I will never be the big social butterfly but I have a Masters Degree and am finishing my PH D.  I live a normal life and have friends and two grown boys.  I just never have loved to be the center of attention.  Be yourself, love yourself and never be ashamed of who you are.  Love you, do you.  No two people are the same or this world would be boring and dull.  Good luck!!

    Peace & Love :)

  3. You are too self conscious.

    That literally makes you the ecnter of attention...

    You are automatically making everything about you.


    It is a divine principle.

    Don't worry about what other people are thinking about you....

    That's YOU making it about YOU.

    Just relax, enjoy LIFE....

    IT"S ALL MENTAL, this entire Life starts from within..... :)

    PEACE OF MIND, and you will be fine.

    BESIDES, at this point if all just stopped, then you would wonder what went wrong.

    Enjoy your complements, some people NEVER get them.

    THAT IS YOU.....

    Nobody cares if spelled something wrong.

    Promise you won't get kicked off line.

    You should start breaking a few of your own rules.

    LIFE IS ABOUT CREATING YOURSELF... not finding your self or being what somebody else needs you to be.

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