
I hate caring what other ppl think!!!!!! help!?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and i used to be so insecure..i finally accept who I am, but i can't stop caring what other ppl think of me. I hate it..advice?




  1. Wow, Ur asking the Golden Ques. Its extremely hardd not to care, but eventually ull care less && less. PPL who say they DC at all they hurts them to, just dun pay attention && itll get better. Good Luck =)

  2. As long as you live you will care. It's a fact of life. As long as you accept yourself and change because it's something that you choose to change for yourself and not for others, then that's good. But if you're looking for acceptance that will never happen. Someone will always say something about you, so suck it up and say HI HATERS!

  3. It's not an easy one to turn around but by accepting who you are you've taken the first step. Remember almost without fail if someone criticises you it's usually because they are jealous or insecure themselves.

    Try to imagine you have a thick skin and let things go over your head, we only have one life so don't let other people's opinions change what you want to do!

  4. Don't worry you'll care soon enough. This will be very evident when you get out in the work force and you gotta look for a job to make a living. Oh you'll totally bend over and backwards for the man! Happens to most of us.

  5. im just like u

    ...i dont think u can really not care what other pople think unless u dont care about being friendly with everyone and love getting into drama

  6. i agree with zero. you haven't accepted who you are yet. your just making yourself feel better by saying you have. or maybe you think stuff about others, and that's why you think they care...... or maybe you just need therapy cause you got problems. just remember nobody is perfect (except me ha ha kidding

  7. yeah i used to be the same way, and in a way, i still sometimes am!  It's hard not to care what people think, b/c often we want to be accepted and be a part of society.  But remember, what other people think of you can't affect you're life.  maybe you tripped on the sidewalk and some stranger saw you-- is you're life suddenly changed?  no.  Sometimes we don't do things we wish we did b/c we worry what other people think.  Just tell yourself, will pleasing others make ME happy?  if i buy clothes that other people think are cool will that suddenly bring me happiness? And my fav phrase:  Rock the boat, don't let the boat rock you!  

  8. All you have to do, is learn to love yourself... then you wont give a c**p!  

  9. To a degree, you should never stop caring. What I mean by this is care about the things that make you feel good as a person and live up to your own standards. But, know when to draw the line. Just because Ashley doesn't like your outfit and is now gossiping about it isn't a standard of yours. It is a myth that people are able to completely not care what people think from a sociology standpoint. Why you should care is when it comes to how you treat others, when you shouldn't care is when someone is trying to devalue you in an attempt to boost their own egos.

  10.    dont worry. thats good. you should care of what people think of you. but not much..just a bit you know. and after accepting you as yourself try improving yourself.

  11. just be happy with who you are and if people think something about you, you shouldn't care all that matters is what you think about you self. I used to care a lot about what people think of me but you just have to think about is does it really matter what they think?  

  12. I don't know... try to stop caring.  Let me guess, your into fashion?

  13. when you care what others think of you, that means you still have some insecurity.

    you need to find all the positives about yourself. make sure you dont suck up to anyone to make them think of you in a good way. be yourself.

    and who cares what other ppl think.. everyone has a negative part of them!

    it helps me to think that God always accepts who i am and he doesn't care what any one else thinks.

    i hope this helped

  14. Don't care.  You're the only one that has to live with yourself.  You're the only one alone in your head at night in the dark as you fall asleep.  Frak 'em.  I know caring about other's opinions is very important at 16, that's why you have 2 basic kinds of 16 year olds.  Your kind, and the kind that rebel in any way they can think of.  The only ways they know to deal with it.  Satisfy yourself, those who think that's terrific and admire that in you will gravitate to you and they will be your true friends.

  15. Be comfortable in who you are. If you know that you are being who you are you shouldn't have a problem. Good luck!

  16. same here, in a lot of movies/books, they make it look so easy!! I think the best thing you can probably do is try your best to ignore it. Oh by the way, I like how you did crazy upside down!! how did you do it?

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