
I hate dressing up?

by Guest64732  |  earlier

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Is there formal night on every cruise? We booked a cruise on the Imagination and I DON'T want to go to a formal dinner. When we book this, I told the travel agent that I wanted only casual dress when dining, but everyone that my husband talks to on here is telling him that we have to dress when there is a fomal night even if we just want to walk around the ship. Now where does the casual dress come into if this is your vacation?




  1. I can't understand why people make this such an issue.

    First, yes there are formal nights on most cruises BUT you won't be refused dining if you don't dress up.  On our formal nights, the family at the table next to us dressed in jeans and teeshirts...and this was a RC ship.  So, if you don't want to dress up DON'T.

    Second, no you don't have to dress up on formal nights just to walk around the is meant for dining only.  Many people stay in their attire for the evening events because a lot of people find it fun to dress up...most of us don't get to do it very often.

    Third, if you don't feel comfortable going to the main dining room on a formal night (don't want to stick out wearing your jeans and tees) eat at one of the other dining facilities.  Most ships offer a casual buffet or other restaurants like burger or pizza places.  And of course there is always free room service.

    I think people get way too caught up on this.  For the most part, this is meant to create a fun 'glamorous' evening for people who want to parttake.  It is NOT mandatory.

  2. dress casual anyways. just because it says formal doesnt mean that everyone will obey the rules.

  3. on formal nights you can go to the buffet.  You will want to wear nicer clothes in the evenings anyway because everybody does it. I bring a pair of blue pants and regular shirts.  you don't see t shirts and flip flops after dark on a ship.

  4. me too,i went to Barbados last Feb,we have booked with ocean village,I'm off to Jamaica on Tues, our cruise is formal,wear what you want ,dine when you want,eat when you want,it was just perfect,and the weather is fabulously hot,

  5. Ohh.. Tell me about it! I hate dressing up formally, too! Luckily, People say you don't have to, so long as you're wearing pants, a long skirt, flats, and smart-casual shirts.

  6. you do too????? i hate dressing up i get so sweaty!!!

  7. On formal night, men are expected to wear either a suit or tux to dinner.  Ladies are expected to wear long dresses.  This is in the main dining room of the ship.  There is always the casual dining area where there is not the formal request.

    It is not expected that everyone will stay in formal wear all evening on the ship.  I usually go back to the cabin, get off the tux, and dress comfortably for the evening show, lounges, or making donations to the casino.

  8. You don't have to dress up.

    The only rule for the dinning room is no shorts or tank tops.  The Captains dinner is dressier but you don't have to go.  There are other places to eat on the ship.

    I have been on 5 cruises and seen a variety of dress options even at the Captains dinner.  Everything from tuxedos to khakis and a white shirt.  Formals for women to office wear.  If you want to dress up you can, you don't have to.  I would say that less than half the participants are dressed up.

    Your husband is getting bad information on here.  Sounds like kids who have never BEEN on a cruise.  There is no formal wear on deck.  NONE.  Shorts, swimsuits, levis, sweats, cargo pants, anything goes.

    I'm retired and wouldn't go ANYWHERE I had to wear a suit.  But I am getting ready to take another cruise in May.

  9. I have been on about 20 cruises with 4 different cruise lines and I can tell you this based on experience.  The formal nights on all cruise lines and ships, except Cunard and the high end cruise lines like Oceana, are REQUESTED ATTIRE, but not REQUIRED ATTIRE.  The only requirement, and its also a request, is that after 6:00PM you do not wear shorts and swim wear around the ship other than the pool and gym areas.  You can wear regular casual clothes, slacks, shirt with a collar, skirt, blouse, about what you would expect a person to wear in a business office.  

    Besides that the cruise ship has two dinenr seating and the people who do the late seating don't usually get dressed until about 7:00 PM or later and they are walking around ship casual on formal nights until they decide to dress up.   Then the same thing happens again when the first seating people finish eating, have a few photos taken, maybe catch the show, and then they go change to casual again to hang out around the ship.

    So if you are casual all evening you will be just fine, blending in with everyone else.   You can go casual to dinner on formal nights but just don't wear jeans or shorts and no flip flops.  You will not be denied access to anything if you are not dressed formal.

    If you don't want to sit with the people dressed formal you can go to the buffet or order room service.  But you should go to the main dining room because the formal nights are usually when they have the best meals.

  10. I also hate dressing up and on cruises I don't. It is not mandatory that you dress formally. On formal nights I wear what I wear on the other nights which is slacks and a casual top. I have even worn jeans and a casual top before on formal nights, and have not been escorted out of the dining hall. You paid your money for the cruise so wear what you are comfortable with.

  11. I went on a 3 day cruise there was one night that was formal. we just wore a dress and some cute shoes and my husband wore slacks and tie. and they were fine by that! or even get some khakis and a dressy shirt! its not that bad, its nice cuz at dinner they will take your picture. it was the only picture we bought and it was soo cute.  It doesnt have to be super dressy---you can always skip the dinner and hit the buffet we did that the last night of our cruise!

  12. What about a pant suit! To dressy??? How about dress pants and a semi casual shirt with a nice hair do! That's dressy to me!

  13. I know that it is a pain in the rear end when your'e going on a vacation and you want to be comfortable and you don't want to over pack.  Just dress for dinner the way you would dress if you were going to a nice restaurant. They just don't want people dressed in tank tops and shorts when in the dining room.  I don't know how you dress but a suggestion would be to bring along a couple of nice blouses and some capris as an outfit.  For your husband, he can get away with khaki pants and polo shirts.

  14. I think they are wrong.  I've been on 3 cruises, if you don't want to do the formal night, then you wont eat in the dining hall.  You can order room service or hit one of the other restaurants (most you don't have to pay for).  I would not worry about it to much.  The great thing about cruises is that there is something for everyone!  You'll have a great time.

  15. Well there are always alternative dining, Its your vacation and if you dont want to dress up it is ok. There are always other places to eat dinner on board. There are casual dining rooms available everyday. Dont worry about it just go have fun and enjoy your cruise.

  16. You dont have to get dressed on formal night, as long as you are not going to the sit down dinner. There are usually 2 formal nights on the boat. I have been on 8 cruises and have opted not to take part in at least one formal night. We just didnt feel like it. Additionaly, on formal nights that I did get dressed I have changed into casual clothes right after our seating when others still had gowns on, and it doesnt make a difference.Be yourself and have fun.
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