I'm 17 and NO--for the last time--I don't have my license yet! Honestly! I have my permit and the kids who were in my same class already have their licenses...it sucks. Makes me feel like a little kid who isn't capable of doing anything. I'm really good with my studies though, so if I ace this area will anyone care if I can't drive a car when I go to college? I want to have that power and freedom, but it's SO scary!!! I just got back from driving with my poor mom...she was so scared the whole time, I could tell, but she tried to act like she was ok. Only once I was pulling into a gated community and the code didn't activate, so I had to back up. Then I put the code in and my mom said go--I "went" thinking I was in drive and nearly backed up into a truck pulling up behind me. She screamed like nothing else. And her voice was all shaky afterwards like she was trying not to cry. I feel sh*tty. And stupid. And my hands are still shaking as I write this. I don't want to drive ever again.