
I hate driving?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and NO--for the last time--I don't have my license yet! Honestly! I have my permit and the kids who were in my same class already have their sucks. Makes me feel like a little kid who isn't capable of doing anything. I'm really good with my studies though, so if I ace this area will anyone care if I can't drive a car when I go to college? I want to have that power and freedom, but it's SO scary!!! I just got back from driving with my poor mom...she was so scared the whole time, I could tell, but she tried to act like she was ok. Only once I was pulling into a gated community and the code didn't activate, so I had to back up. Then I put the code in and my mom said go--I "went" thinking I was in drive and nearly backed up into a truck pulling up behind me. She screamed like nothing else. And her voice was all shaky afterwards like she was trying not to cry. I feel sh*tty. And stupid. And my hands are still shaking as I write this. I don't want to drive ever again.




  1. Keep at it and try and find a driving school that you feel good about, there is no big rush to get a license. Go at your own speed.

  2. Winners do what quitters don't want to do!       Don't give up!   That is the easy way out.     Keep trying.

  3. Girl, you need some professionalized course offered by highly skilled driving instructors. Its OK to feel a little scared at first, but those driving instructors will help you build confidence. You have to be very alert and have fast reaction time. Its OK to make mistakes when learning.  Having a car will broaden your freedom. Good Luck!


  4. The problem isn't you.  It is your mother and/or father.

    parents makes the WORST teachers.  My father could NOT teach my mother to drive, and he couldn't teach my sister to play piano.  

    Get professional instruction from a INSTRUCTOR with LOTS of patience.  


    I once too private pilot lessons (flying license).  I was pretty good and I was one of the student with the lowest hours for solo (very good).  Then my instructor move to Florida and I could not find another instructor that clicked with me.  I ended up giving up flying.  The other instructors were to scared (like your mother) or too strict (and screaming).

    So often the instructor make a HUGE difference.

    Good Luck...

  5. Where in the world do you live that you would drive in fear? Maybe you are picking up on your mom's fear. Driving is like walking... you just do it. 50% of driving is knowing how to drive, the other 50 % is watching out for the other guy. I have driven across the USA, in the cities of Chicago, NY, and Boston. My only fear is that I can't afford the gas! It varies so much from place to place.The more you drive, the more confident you will be. Give it time. Most teenagers are overconfident!
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