
I hate earth science can some one please help me?

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Write a sentence that summarizes the relationship between air temperature and the amount of water vapor that the air can contain.

Write your sentence in the following format:

The _____________ the air temperature, the ___________ water vapor it has the capacity to contain. Fill in the first blank with either warmer or colder; fill in the second blank with either more or less.




  1. Warmer/More



    Warmer molecules are more active and move around, leaving more space around them to allow for saturation of other molecules.   A good practical approach to this is something you might do :  trying to put sugar into a drink.  I'm from the south, so let's say tea. :D  

    If I try to put sugar into cold tea, I will have to stir for a very long time to make my drink sweet.   If my tea is hot, I really don't need to use that much effort.    If I want to completely candy-ize my tea, I should heat up my tea to boiling, because then I can supersaturate it and make myself sick. :)

    In weather terms, my super-sweet tea is about the point when it rains.  The air can't hold any more moisture, so it dumps it back on the ground to start the cycle over again.  

    That's probably a lame analogy, but that's how I remembered this sort of thing during my high school years.

  2. OH!!   I love ad lib!   The "smellier" the air temperature, the "colostomy bag" water vapor it has the capacity to contain.

  3. Warmer/More

    When you think about it,

    If you leave a water bottle outside on a hot day, little drops of water appear inside the bottle

    but if you leave it outside on a cool day, this doesn't happen

    Glad to help


  4. warmer and More.

    Warm air can hold more water and cold air due to condensation becomes saturated even with low moisture content.


  5. The answers are warmer and more.  The reverse is also true, the lower the temperature, the less water vapor it has the capacity to contain.

    "The higher the temperature, the greater the capacity to hold water vapor."


  7. warmer


    As a mass of air is warmed, it expands.  This expansion leaves more "spaces" for water vapor to occupy.  Therefor, as air temperature increases, its capacity to hold water vapor also increases.  Now, that doesn't mean that it always does contain more water vapor.  It just means that it CAN hold more water vapor.  Analogy: Just because a quart jar CAN hold a quart of a liquid, doesn't mean that it actually does hold a quart of liquid.

    BTW, relative humidity is a measure that indicates the amount of water vapor in a  mass of air compared to how much water vapor that air can hold.  So if the relative humidity is 80%, then it is holding 80% of of the water vapor it can hold.  If that air warms and the amount of water vapor remains constant, the relative humidity decreases.  The opposite is also true.  As air cools and water vapor remains constant, relative humidity increases.

    Sorry, I know that I answered more than you asked.  I just "got on a roll".

  8. higher/ more

    think about humid summer nights

  9. lower, less


  10. the colder the air the more water vapor it can contain, that is why in the winter your skin will be more dry , because it pulls the moisture from your skin.

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