
I hate every form of gaiety, and am sicken by the sight of cheerfulness...?

by  |  earlier

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is this normal?




  1. Well, no. It's not normal. But don't worry. You're not the only one with this problem. You should see my delusional science teacher.

  2. Of course this is not have your priorities mixed up and I think you need some help for your problem.   It is obvious that you understand your question because you asked it.  So it's not a menal problem.

  3. You may become a lawyer or a judge, or a Benedictine !

  4. Do you also confuse happiness with joy.  

  5.    Of course it isn't you silly bugger! If you really are like that then you need straightening out before you become a h**l fire preacher and tell every one they will go to h**l for laughing. Personally, I think that you are putting it on, so grow up.

  6. No.  It is maybe because you are unhappy with yourself, your life.  Perhaps you just to feel loved. : (

  7. Nah,it sounds like some form of psychopathology.

    Well if you're 14-16 and think that being depressed is cool,then yes it's normal but you should get over it.

    Or it may be just a phase you're going through after some bad experiences with people,or after getting fed up with them,or if you associate happiness with stupidity.

    jeez,what the h**l am I talking about...

  8. no but must normal always be good or right? most gaiety is so clearly false or stupid but if you turly hate "EVERY" form of gaiety perhapse you should seek help or do some internal reflection on the source of your hate. you may realize that you dont really hate happiness just this ridiculous emotional rollor coaster portrayed as "normal" by this society.  

    i recomend this ebook.  


    at least chapter 2  

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