
I hate everything about myself, i have sunken to a new low and have given up on looking prety, read on?

by Guest32525  |  earlier

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I hate everything about myself. My paleness, my clogged pores and red bumpy skin (that isnt acne so there is nothing to make it go away), im really pudgy, my eyes are really close set, i have 4 friends, I realized im so ugly that there is no point in trying to flirt or have any intrest in boys. im not skinny enough. im not pretty enough.

how can i get over this? (btw its been going on since the beggining of summer)

and dont tell me "stop sitting on your butt and go get a life" or "stop feeling sorry for yourself". because i have tried that. it didnt work. i swear i am the ugliest girl in the world.




  1. You have such a negative mentality there's nothing I can do to help you.

    h**l, you're not allowing me to.

    What am I supposed to say?

    " Oh don't worry, it's the inside that counts!"


    " Stop listening to those kids, they're just jealous of you" ?

    Seriously, which one do you want to hear?

    I mean, what exactly are you looking for by asking this questions?

  2. first of all, i have the same problem. I am skinny, but i am NOT pretty. when i finally think i look ok at home, then i go out and see the world and how pretty other people are. i get really jealous because it's just not fair. but like who you are. you are not the ugliest person in the world! (position taken by moi) but people will like you even if you are ugly which i am sure you are not. one day you will find the right guy and he will love you looks and all. if you like you, then others will like you too. but if you are scrunched up in a ball in the corner then nobody will like you! im not gonna judge you or tell you to get a life, but seriously! like yourself for who you are inside, looks or no looks. i have the same stupid problem about being pale and........... ugly. but im sure you are beautiful on the inside and what more can you do?

  3. OK.

    You are not the ugliest girl in the world.

    I don't care what you look like you just aren't.

    You have to widen your view or pretty. Don't think about what you consider pretty just look at yourself with no pre conceived ideas and see what you think. Plus alot of people have no friends or feel the same way you do. Just work hard at being happy. Do things that make you happy. Don't feel like you have to do what your friends want. But don't be a recluse either.

  4. Things that i hate about me

    I'm not pretty too. I wish i had pointed nose, bigger b***s,nice long hair, taller height, flawless skin, be pretty and s**y that will make boys desire me when i pass by.. all physical imperfections that i wish had all been more beautiful even not perfect.

    Things that i love about me

    I'm a good dancer, i know how to sing (with the right music), i'm a good friend, funny, trendy and smart. We are all made to have a purpose in this world. Instead of looking on your negative side try looking on your positive side.

    Goodluck and hope you'll realize we are all made special.

  5. Tucker honey, your bumps might be due to skin that has not exfoliated properly, and the new skin under that will grow up and around he spot, forming a bump that looks like acne, but is actually more related to a dry cyst.  A REAL sea sponge used with glycerine soaps will help that kind of problem.  I ha them too, and hat's what I was told to do by my MD.  Works pretty good too, as longas you do NOT scrub had athe bumps..that only makes it worse.  If that does not work well for you, try using the new tattoo remover that has been advertised on tv.  The same effect will happen, andhte  bumps will go away.  The trick is to work on something you CAN change, and only one thing at a time.  Losing the bumps will definitely help your self-esteem and confidence.  

    Beyond that, Tucker, I would really suggest you think about seeing a counselor.  You need to find a positive way to vent the depression you are feeling, and possibly find new ways to safely change the parts of your body you don't like very much.  A good therapist is absolutely essental to help you deal with your feelings.  My TP has been a life-saver, quite literally, in my case.  Even though I don't see her on a 'regual' basis, I can still talk to her about problems I have trouble dealing with.  It's a goodthing, and I highly reccommend it.   It's hard now to see it, but finding  someone professional to vent on really DOES help.

  6. You aren't the ugliest. I bet you are really pretty you just don't know how to see yourself pretty? If that makes any sense. I bet you anything that you are 12-14 years old. I felt that way too honey. It's okay. I was fat. I was 153 and 14 years old and 5'6. You're not that bad, oh and I was a cheerleader, and still am, but all you have to do is have confidence. The friends will come to you. I know this one really ugly girl and when I met her i wondered why she had so many friends...but then I got to KNOW her. She was so happy all the time and really nice. Things CAN change for the better, trust me. Everyone goes through this kind of stuff. Stay positive, live life to the fullest, you only get ONE life to live.

    Stay strong, don't let yourself get you.

  7. Trust me, I know how you feel. I always get like this in the summer because Im one of those people that dont have a ton of friends like some people do and spend a lot of time at my house doing nothing. So you have 4 friends? Great. Call them, hang out with them. Figure out things to do everyday so you're not sitting at home doing nothing and thinking about how much your life sucks. Start there, being surrounded by your friends really does make you feel better even if you're just sitting there watching a movie. For the physical stuff some things you can change and others you cant. If you want to lose weight, you have to try. Try and eat healthier and exercise some. Ask your mom to take you to a dermatologist to help with your skin. Do all this and it will help boost your self esteem and give you some confidence, then you can maybe start thinking about boys. good luck.

  8. If there is something you don't like about yourself, see if there is something you can do to be the person you want to be. Try exersizing and eating properly. Exersizing also increases. endorphins and makes you feel better/happier.

    And don't downplay how much personality influences those around you. I have seen a lot of unattractive people married to very handsome spouces, and it is because they have more than just physical beauty which people eventually lose.

    You really can't care abou what other people think about you. Just focus on what makes you happy.

  9. Go to a Professional and Certified Cosmetic surgeon.

    List All the Good qualities that you possess and Choose to Focus on them.

    Visit a Dermatologist.

    Know that you ARE Loved even Before you were born, notably by your Mom and Dad.

  10. aw i doubt that. you just need to cheer up a bit and gain some confidence. ha i have an idea! i will be like your coach, you just tell me your questions and i will answer them! and then we will do steps to help you get your confidence back. ive done this with a friend its fun! im sorry you feel bad right now but your just going through a tough time. the first thing you should do is get a tan membership and build up your tan (dont overkill) if you arent allowed to do that or dont want the cost just spend time playing outside and being in the sun! then take some friends and go to a local department store, bring money to buy products they recommend for you or just ask for some tips you can use for your face, how to brighten your eyes and makeup tips and makeup you can get at cheaper stores like target etc. (or go to a dermotoligist) WAYS TO FEEL BETTER: workout and eat right, just playing outside is good exercise and will help you tan! have a sleepover with girlfriends, get a pedicure, dance, redo you room or wardrobe etc. be yourself theres tons of boys out there who will like you for you. dress cute, smile and gain your confidence girly! anymore questions just ask!! i dont always feel good about myself either but you just have to think of the good qualities you have and all the reasons boys would be lucky to have you!

  11. Sounds to me like your just going through a completly normal stage of self-loathing. Your not ugly, you know your not ugly, and you know your just saying that to get a cheap compliment from a person you don't even know. Well, here's mine anyway. If it's of any comfort to you, I only go for girls that don't look or try to look like supermodels. I personally perfer girls to be real instead of having three tons of caked on make up, and if your just saying this because some boy dumped you or something of the sort, pay no attention to that. Because there are plenty of other people out there that would really like you.

    If none of this helps you at all, just know that you'll grow out of it. You'll look back on this and realize that it only made you stronger and more confident.

    And about the friends bit, alot of people would kill to have four friends, instead of say 20 or 30. I know I would rather have four people who really care about me than  30 people who wouldn't even think twice about it if I died tommorow.

    But, if I'm wrong, and I don't think I am, you'll get over it. It may not be easy, and it'll probably take until you get back into a school situation before you actually do get over it, but I know you will.

    By the way, I know your not fat because fat people would have said, "I'm too fat." Instead of: "I'm not skinny enough." Which is proof enough to me that you couldn't possible be the ugliest girl on earth.

  12. try to ignore the looks. have fun with your friends, sleepovers and stuff.

    and if youre ugly, guys wont try to get you only to get in your pants ;]

  13. You might want to see a therapist.  If you feel better about yourself you might be able to lose some of that weight.  You'll feel better if you do.  Also, see a dermatologist.  He or she will probably be able to help you with your skin.  There isn't much you can do about the eyes.  If your friends are good friends, it doesn't matter how many you have.  When I was younger I had one good friend.  She and I had a lot of fun together.  We shared a love for scary movies and card games.

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