
I hate food, i cant stand it,?

by  |  earlier

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im not anerexic, i just dont like to eat! what the h**l is wrong with me! i dont know! my councellor says i need to see a gp but i dont want to! please help! someone! please help!




  1. you don't need food but you need lots of drink

  2. go to da gym and there u well c

  3. Without viewing your profile first id like to ask you something.. How old are you? To deny ones body of vital nutrients ie ifood is dangerous. I been there My hair first started falling out in big huge clumps and i was ever so depressed food just didnt apeal to me I dont recall as I meant to reneg on the food it just never came up I totatly forgot to eat I was so busy being heartbroken to eat. I recall being scared when my period stopped. That was a wake up call and i was asked when was the last tinme I ate I honestly couldnt rremember.I was quite cold alot always had on a sweater.

    I had to start slow and began eating again it was pure h**l.My stomach shrunk and to put food in it was painfull.

    I started small little bites of food soup pudding something sweet and I recovered . Various events come up in our lives that curtail our efforts to excell sometimes without us even being aware of it.

    Please start small eat tiny bites of things some weak tea sweet things to temp your taste buds again they just need aWAKE UP CALL. See we are human beings and are supposed to eat food to keep us well the digestive system must be in working order . pleas seek some help untill food apeals to you again. Fruit is good and so are vegtables hope you are well soon

  4. Steam some vegetables and eat that

    you'll feel better

    and by the way stop taking those MED's

  5. i don't like work but i have to go!  

    whilst you can survive on liquids and supplements it is not healthy for your digestive system and bowels..

    for your future health, please consider your body as well as your mind

    PS. your councilor is a t@@t

  6. you really don't need food.  drink some ensure or boost shakes, something with vitamins in it or even slimfast shakes.  as long as you get all the vitamins and nutrients you need you should be fine.  take some multivitamins too

  7. maybe your going through a state of depression ??? or you just havent found the right kind of food to eat

  8. i feel the same way, it's such a chore!

  9. you do need food to get all the protein vitamins cabohydrates and fats you might think your doing good by buying bottled vitamins but they cant be that healthy over a long period btw if you do live on just drinks tell me how long you live for i'd like to know

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