
I hate freshmen they are cocky and lower then the ground i walk on ?

by  |  earlier

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i can't get a parking permit at school because the Principal has a meeting with those a******s i want my permit to drive to school and i need his approvel so i can by the pass if you could curb stomp a freshmen whould you




  1. 1. Your grammar suggests that you need to be asking the freshman for lessons, seeing as your grammar is that of a ten year old.

    2. How utterly selfish of you, how did you feel when you were a freshman? Hating them when they have no control over what time the meeting is scheduled is absurd.

  2. You know, I really dont like freshmen either. They think that they rule the school...when they are really at the bottom of the list. They cause the most drama and start the most fights. I want to hang out with people who are more mature...not little kids!

  3. i'm a freshman and i can't understand people like you. i'm just living! i'm quiet, i stick to my friends, i'm not immature and really, i'm just at school to learn and to get into a good college. i have no control on now the sophomores, juniors and seniors think, but just know that even though most freshman may be cocky and immature, some are very much more mature than you.

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