
I hate gas prices!?

by Guest55750  |  earlier

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Gas prices are too high and arent coming down anytime soon.




  1. Yeah, so what's your point?

  2. buy a bike

  3. yup but at least theyre going down a lil in OK they just wanted to make money off of us for spring break i have a 1/4 tank in my truck so im gonna try to wait as long as i can until spring break is completely over and it goes down alil more

  4. Get used to it. At least until the economy improves, as prices aren't going anywhere.

    I'm on your side though, believe me. I hate the price of gas as much as anyone, but nothing will change as long as two things remain the same:

    1)The poor shape of the economy. Did you realize that the US dollar is plummeting on world markets? In fact, it's now worth less than the Canadian dollar for the first time in about 30 years. The dollar is simply worth less and cannot buy as much as it used to. That's part of the reason why one barrel of gas went up to $111 last week and is probably still climbing. I remember last year when people were up in arms about $90/barrel.

    2)Supply/Demand.  We need to cut down on usage and then the suppliers will see that we're not buying as much, so they'll need to lower their prices to sell more, in order to make a certain profit (basic Economics 101).

    The other potential way to lower prices is if we found a way to significantly raise supply, making the suppliers lower their prices in order to compete. I know that we have oil here in the US and I wish someone would find a way to tap into that, but realize that it would only be a temporary fix. Everything is finite. It may supply us for another 5, 10 or 20 years, but eventually will run out. Texas and Alaska have oil and (I think) CA has some, but I'm not sure about the purity, quantity, etc....

    A while back, there was some talk about drilling oil in Alaska, but the environmentalists were all up in arms b/c it was a protected wildlife refuge or something. Hopefully there's more work in that direction, as long as it isn't too destructive, etc. That would certainly help out our current situation and put those Middle East suppliers in their place.

  5. use veggie oil frying engins wich r converted from diesel engines

  6. Boo Hoo. How much do you waste on lottery tickets,beer or cigarettes. Don't worry in a couple of years you will be looking back at how cheap gas was in 2008

  7. Gas prices are high so the price of everything alse is going up too. Terrible if you have a family like mine.  We are a family of five and I could easily spend  $150-200 a week on groceries.

  8. you'll pay the price no matter what it goes to.  You have to drive a car.  We are a society that drives.  I noticed in one of my emails yesterday that Germany was building a diesel car that gets 150-MPG.  Do you think that will cure us from driving SUV's that get less than 20MPG and some v8's that only get around 10mpg.  Where does it end.

  9. This isn't much of a question.

    The increase in gas prices is driven by the intense global competition for energy, and oil being driven by the free markets, the price will continue to go up as long as people will pay for it and the supplies throughout the world continue to accelerate downward. And suppliers are continuing to drop production levels to string out the supplies they have longer to make more money longer.
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