
I hate going on planes!! I get all panicky, my mum says that everythings fine but im still scared! Help!?

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Im going to Thailand around christmas time nd it will take 14 hours on a plane, how can i keep calm? There is a medicine called Argent Nit, its supposed to calm you down does anyone know if it works??




  1. Hmm, try listening to some music on an MP3 player or portable CD player. Or bring a hand held gaming system, or a really good book. You can always bring a laptop to play on, you just cant use the internet, but you could play games (Like the Sims, you could spend hour son that).

    Good luck! It was a little scary for me when I went on my first flight a few months ago, but my friends calmed me down and said everything was alright.

  2. You can take something to help you stay calm or sleep, but try it first.  Many meds can leave you groggy long after you need to be awake.  I just use aspirin.

    Join the frequent flier program for the airline, unless you already belong to a "partner" program.  Joining is free and you can do it online.

    Check for seat suggestions.  I usually try to get a window seat on really long flights and gather some extra pillows & blankets to make a "bed" to lean against.  Call the airline and request a seat as early as allowed.  Also ask if the aircraft has power ports that you can use for i-Pod, etc.

    Consider getting a sleep mask (ex. and some earplugs, which may help you sleep (they work for me). Luggage stores and airport shops also sell sleep masks.

    I-Pods and portable game devices are great on planes, but the batteries won't last more than a few hours.  Pack one or more books that you have started, or that are from an author you know.  It's really annoying to realize - too late - the book you brought for the flight isn't a good read. Other options are crossword puzzles and similar.  A laptop is practical IF the aircraft is equipped with power ports (which can also re-charge an i-Pod or game device).

    Pack a complete change of clothes and basic toiletries in your carryon bag.  Check the security requirements at:

    Dress in comfortable clothes and shoes that are not too tight (or overly casual).  Your feet will swell during a long flight and tight clothes can make it harder to sleep.

    I try to shower just before leaving to go to the airport.  It reduces the grungy feeling you get by the end of a long flight. Use conditioner to reduce hair frizziness.

    Tag all of your bags (inside and outside) with your name, e-mail address (but not your home address) and a complete phone number someone will answer.  The free tags from the check-in counter are fine.

    Make sure you have your passport or ID and other documents on you before leaving home.

    Get to the airport 2 full hours before departure so you don't have to stress.  

    Chewing gum can help with relieving the pressure in your ears.

    Drink lots of water and juice:  The air in the cabin is very dry and causes dehydration.  Avoid too many drinks with caffeine (including colas) or alcohol as they can increase the dehydration.

    Get up and stretch every few hours.

    Try to awaken about an hour before arrival and use the bathroom to wash up.  You will feel a lot better.

    The time change can be a problem, and a long flight will produce a lot of "jet-lag". At your destination, try very hard to eat meals at local times and stay awake until local bedtime.  If you MUST take a nap then sleep for no more than 3 hours.  Falling asleep at 3:00pm may result in you waking up at Midnight - wide awake and unable to go back to sleep.

    Hope you have a great trip!

  3. Think you should try not 2 take pills unless you absolutely need them.  I know taking off will be shaky and also landing always is it's normal just listen 2 the stuardist and if you need something you can always let them know. take stuff 2 do you always could take a nap.

                       J J

  4. I am a plane brat.  Since the age of 12, I have traveled from Texas to Illinois once a year.  Last year I had to do it twice to move my step kids to Texas.  The pilots on the plane are some of the best in the world.  There are more car accidents per hour than airplane crashes per decade.  They have to go thru vigorous training yearly.  I would be more than happy to let a pilot care for me, than any yahoo on the road now a days.

    Thank the flight attendents when you arrive on board and you will be more than welcome on the plane.

    41 Female, Step dad - Military and retired American Pilot with honors!

  5. You're safer on a plane than in the street.

    Look, the pilots want to get home alive too, right?

    If you are edgy, take a few antihistamines to make you drowsy.

    But you know what, nothing has been subject to greater enginerring scrutiny than the aircraft.

    No one is more qualified than a pilot who is prepared to travel with you.

    Get drunk, play chess, whatever... but you're safeer than on the street,

  6. I am like you and hate flying. The worst time is take off and landing. I'm told it may be a control thing. I try and take a book and listen to calming music or watch the in-flight entertainment. You can get medication to help but I personally have not needed to use it.

    Also, just think of the great holiday waiting at the other end.

    I hope that helps. Good luck

  7. I will tell you young lady.......97% of people don't tell the truth and 3% at least your not alone on the flight....we all get nervous.........if you can make it without meds.......good. If you can't take I've had my best moments being nervous..........and what ever I thought was going to happen never happened the way I planned it sooooooo what good is it going to do to worry.......go there planning on a nice trip. One thing I will tell you.....If God really wanted me to fly he would have given me birds feet and feathers....and maybe a set of wings......but the real truth when your standing on the ground looking up....doesn't a plane look a lot like a have a little faith and trust the "drunken" pilot.........he's following the light....

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