
I hate having a period, what can I do? ?

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I hate my period, I ******* hate it. It’s so unfair, why don’t guys ever get anything like this. Why do we have to suffer? And I get bad cramps, and I can’t do anything about it, and I just feel like ****. Also before the time I get pimples and my breast become tender and I become depressed and angry and what not. I really don’t want to have a period, the only thing that works for me is pain pills but at the end of the day I’m so drugged up on medication and I just want to cry about everything. Hot baths don’t work. I’m not going to ask my mother for birth control pills b/c she won’t allow it and I’m too shy anyway. I cried 19 times today over nothing.

Sometimes the pain gets so bad I just want to go out and get pregnant or stab myself in the stomach. What can I do, I hate this and I am a drugged up (still in pain), emotional wreck with pimples which makes everything worse.




  1. birth control pills.

  2. aw hunnie im the same

    as is every other woman in the world

    i dont suffer bad cramps lucky for me, but heavy flows

    theres lots of remedies to try

    take each period day as one less for another month

    cheer up and good luck

  3. get on birth control. it will regulate your cycle and most help with acne as well. plus when you're on the pill you can skip your period all together by just starting a new pack or if you don't feel comfortable skipping it, yaz has pills that you take while on your period that help with cramps and make it lighter and shorter

  4. welcome to woman hood yea it suck real bad. as my bf says. we get that, they have to put up with us goin made as little things. try going on the pill, it can help ease pimples and sore breast. as for cramps there are great things you can take such as codeine.  or go green. get something that isnt a drug. my best thing for cramps is a hot water battle and getting into bed and roll in a ball.

    for the anger and up set all day long. it will get better as you get older. your bodys just getting use to all of this. try different foods. make a fruit salad. things that look amazing or is super yum full of antioxidents.

    as much as it hurts. try and go for a walk to strech it out. not too far maybe even a few houses and back

    you wouldnt want to get pregnat girl cos thats a h**l of alot more pain then this. trust me. n stubbing your self will be in pain for weeks not just a few days

    its a bad time of month for all female.

    even talk to your doc see if he/she has any good idea, even your mum or nana might.

    good luck

  5. for starters calm down! having a period is hard nearly everyone has them there are different solutions there is the pill but it isnt good for you body and you still get cramps and you still get hormonal and the same with the pole some women say taking evening primose oil helps mood swings and you can get different thing to help calm everything down look around in a pharmacy and if your still over stressed go and see youn gp

  6. As You know boys can't have Menstruation because they don't have a v****a. They have a p***s. Which that's why girls get pregnant because Our uterus gets contracted to expel endometrial lining which gives us cramps. And hormones start spreading around your body to get and help your body control pregnancy. There is a release of an egg is called ovulation. Boys cant have them because they grown other pubic hair and other stuff. You can stop getting your period aroung a ge 41 and 51 between them. Good luck! hope i helped :D

  7. dont worry bout the pimples. wash ur face then just dont look in the mirror. i know theyre so annoying but picking at them makes them worse and getting sad doesnt help one bit. If ur cramps are so terrible u cud tell ur mother and maybe a doctor can prescribe something special for u. First, if u arent using ibuprifen and primrose oil tablets get them both cuz they help a h**l of a lot.

       and yes dont get pregnant lolol that is nooo alternative to period pain!

    Do you exercise? regular exercise makes cramps lessen and there are also certain exercises specially to do while u are feeling pain. look it up. Just plain exercise during ur period really helps.

        Try to find a way to pamper urself while u have ur period. chocolate, cake ice cream or something sweet for a snack everyday and some downtime in front of thetv or alone with a book. remembember it comes only 12 times a year and we're all in the same boat!!

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