
I hate him ugh!what should i do?

by Guest67059  |  earlier

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i just saw this guy and we had a thing and then it was over but he completly ignore me and i still like him like a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot like i really like him and he knows it and i know he still has feeling for me and i want to get back but that jerk ignored me omg i hate him but i like him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 soooooooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

what should i do?




  1. Just ignore him back. He's only doing to you what would bother him. So, give it back to him. Trust. ';-)

  2. do the same back total ignouration i know it hurts but you won't regret it  


    best of luck hope i helped :)

  3. if he is ignoring you then he doesn't like you

    don't force him to get back with you as it won't work

  4. tell him.

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