
I hate life. What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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***Before I type down what I'm about to say, first I want to say I only want serious answers. I don't want people saying something really dumb just to gain points! I am getting personal with you on yahoo answers, so I don't want anyone making a fool out of my questions! Thank you.***

First of all, I am VERY depressed right now. I am unemployed (the company I worked for went out of business, and it's hard to find a job right now. I've applied at over 100 places), I'm in a relationship I can't get out of, I have no money to leave. My family is not reallly my family any more. I have no friends, the few REAL friends I do have live hundreds of miles away in different areas, and my health is failing with all this stress. I don't have benefits, so what can I do? I really want to get some professional help but since I don't have any medical, I'd like to know if there are any over the counter medications I can take or any "free clinic" type doctors that deal with depression.

Thanks for reading. Once again, please don't give me a joke/sarcastic answers. I really need to know what I can do for myself.




  1. Please trust me. I understand. I went through almost the same thing a few months ago... Here's what you need to do.

    Find a creative outlet of some sort. It may sound dumb, but trust me, it helps. Try drawing, singing, poetry. Anything helps.

    So, 100 places huh? That's harsh. Have you tried smaller places like grocery stores, coffee shops, or even a small convenient store? These kinds of places may not pay a whole lot, but they will give you some kind of lean-to.

    I don't know of any over the counter medications, but as far as a free clinic... There are people that are trained to handle the mental and physical symptoms of stress and depression. Ask around.

    As far as the friend situation goes... I am really sorry, but I'm not sure how to help there. I wish there was more I could do..

    I'm glad I could provide any help what so ever. If I haven't, I apologize

  2. First of all, where do you live? In US and Australia you CAN get benefits regardless..............You can be a bummer surfer and still able to get benefits from the government. Yes there are actually free treatments available, especially those open for trial. There are also companies that pay you to take surveys. Also you can donate sperm and get paid for it. I have tried getting paid for survey for a cigarette company. Easily search for these trials and surverys online...focus on listings in your area. Of course, the money you get is temporary, but hey, it is desperate times right? And I've been there which is why I'm telling you what I know.

    For over the counter you can get advil or similar least its not too expensive and can get rid of headaches. And drink lots of water....

    I'm sorry about the position you're in now. I really hope you get through this.

  3. Read something funny to cheer you up.  Here's some silly jokes:

  4. You need a miracle. Miracles happen every time you change fear to love.

    You cannot do what you came to do with your analytical mind. You must tap into God's mind. Ask and you shall receive.

  5. Depression happens to everyone at one time or another, but right now it sounds like your having "Mid-Life Crisis" (no I'm not saying this to be funny) and everyone deals with stress on a daily basis so you shouldn't feel like your the only one dealing with some of these issues. Tell whoever it is you're seeing or is married to you need some time to work out your life (if your married you don't need to get a divorce just a split legal issues will only cause worse problems). As far as your family goes try and get in touch with a sibling, parent or any other relative (you don't have to be that close to them family usually helps each other out no matter what). Onto Anti-Depressants those can be used, but I'd only use that after you have put the relationship on hold/ended it and have found a solid place to live. Keep trying to find a job, one will eventually come.

    I hoped this helped, Good luck.

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