
I hate life and most things in it...?

by  |  earlier

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i just want to die sometimes or just pass or hit my head and get amnesia. i am a junior in high school and i am so depressed. i don't feel pretty and i sometimes i get so ashamed of myself for no reason. i don't know what to do anymore i feel useless and i just want to die. sometimes i feel like God has forgotten about me. My parents dont care they only think i do things gor attention and i dont , anymore thats the last thing i want from them. i dont know what to do with myself anymore. the only thing i do is read fanfiction all the time and i feel pathetic that thats the only thing that makes me somewhat 'happy' anymore. idk any ideas that might help? i'm being pushed over the edge. too much stress for me to handle.




  1. Well, you are not alone in feeling this way. I do as well sometimes, but the best thing to do is to think positive. What are some positive things you accomplished in your life? Even if you may not feel it, say "I love me" every day in the mirror. Also, since we live around negativity every day it is easy to become us. When that happens I would like for you to write down sthg. positive down about urself on a piece of paper. Get in the habit of thinking positive, so it can be a part of ur life.  

  2. Many young people suffer the same or similiar feelings.  See a councelor or mental health agency.  This does NOT mean that something is wrong with you... only that you need someone educated on feelings to talk with.

  3. tell a friend that and just vent to them, and maybe take some depression pills, death is never the answer

  4. It may not seam like it, but this will pass.  You have a lot to be proud of and so much to look forward to.  You need to get some fresh air and do some exercises.. this will improve you image, energy level, and help you sleep.  All these things will make you feel better.   It doesn't hurt to find someone to talk to that will be unbias.

  5. My answer is 'Find Help'.

    You need to find someone, some organisation / system etc, that can help you by talking with you.

    Pills, by the way, are not thee answer to depression. They can be like a lifebelt, but are not a lifeboat.


  6. Make your parents take you to a psyschologist. I've been there, and this is what you need to do. She'll talk to you, help you, and give you the treatment you need so you can get help. I mean I don't know you personally, maybe your NOT feeling that bad, but this is truly what you need to do... especially if it gets worse.

  7. im very sorry you feel this way, but like many people have said, death is not the answer.. number one thing is get help. talk to someone you feel comfortable with. second thing, realize how much better you have it then other people. appreciate the countless thigns you have  in your life. some people live on the streets without an education or home or PARENTS! and lastly, get involved with sports or such!! it takes your mind off things. if thats not an option, you should help around the community or get outside and play!  

  8. i know how you feel. what i said to my self "i will not end up like this. come trials and tribulations, i am not afraid". : )

    to help you cope up you need to face the truth:

    you need to have confidence:

    you need to be positive:

    it's going to be alright ; )


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