
I hate life?i hate it i hate it ?

by Guest65310  |  earlier

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help me??




  1. I hate it right now too, but know that you will get over it. I'm upset with myself but I know if I keep working hard I can better my life. You have to believe that too.

  2. If you are able to..I would just pick up and start over somewhere new.  Does not have to be physically but mentally.  Pretend that when you wake tomorrow morning you have a new life and a new attitude.  Try something you have always wanted to do.  Like start painting or drawing.  I had a hard time a few years ago and I started to paint(even though I am not any good at it)and I started working out everyday(yoga).  I am a loner and I do not have any friends.  This sounds corny but I had a stray cat that I started to take of..I do not even like cats.  Now I love that d**n cat & he is my buddy.  i get this happy feeling thinking someone is waiting for me to come home and hang out & feed them.  Try volunteering at the animal shelter.  Trust me when people p**s you off or let you down hanging out with animals makes you feel better.  Life should be wonderful but it is not just handed to you that way it takes work and it takes imagination.  

  3. It is just a moment in time.  We all hate life at times.  Hang in there sweet Nick.

  4. Im in pretty much the same situation as u! Im not getting on with my mum at all been like this 4 a while now. How old r u by the way?  

  5. Life is a stupid term for the bull s*** of whatever is going on in your life. Take inventory of whats going on around you and learn how to beat the c**p out of whatever is bringing you down.  

  6. Not sure if you are talking women's lives,men's lives, your life, or animal's lives for that matter.

    You need to chill, and contemplate why you feel all this hate. Are there valid reasons or momentary inconsitences that make you hate?

  7. Well why do you hate it dear?

  8. You get what you wish for. You are getting a hated life.

  9. Yes you hate life.

  10. Hey...

    Why do you hate your life?

    I read your question about your mother.

    Uh, are you the only kid? Are your parents divorce?

    It seems as though your mom is really stressed out and seems to be a hurting soul.

    I am 15 years old and if it helped you to talk to someone around your age, feel free to email me.

    Maybe pray?

    If not, peace out.  

  11. Yeah.  It can feel like that sometimes.  At those times, you need to concentrate on getting through the next ten minutes.  And then the next ten minutes.

    You'll probably get annoyed at me for saying this, but a good long walk in the fresh air can make you feel much better.  It works for most people.  It doesn't make everything go away, but it makes things seem better for a little while at least.

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