
I hate math. Is marketing for me?

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ok i don't really hate math but it's not my strong subject. What careers in marketing require the less math? I'm between advertising and graphic designing, would these work?





  1. Honestly if you can add, subtract, and divide (using a calculator) you can do any area in business(including finance and accounting). Math is very elementary for the most part. You will most likely do basic math in any career however. For example in marketing you will probably deal with monthly sales, sales projections, and budgets. So don't let math choose where you go, choose what interests you.

  2. There are many exciting opportunities in marketing, don't let your math skills hold you back! You may want to consider a more "creative" marketing career which requires less math such as working for an advertising agency where you will design creative for clients. Careers in advertising can be exciting and financially rewarding. Advertising careers tend to be exciting, and offer many opportunities for advancement, you can rise to ranks such as executive creative director, and cheif creative officer. Another benefit you receive from working in advertising is that you get the satisfactio n that you are building businesses for clients, and that your work is appearing on the internet, tv, radio, print, etc. Careers in advertising to a certain degree can also be stressful since there is a constant turnover of clients and review processes. Reading industry insiders magazines such as ADWEEK can give you a rare glimpse into the industry and if it is right for you. You may also find it helpful to talk to people already in the industry.

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