
I hate my best dad's friend, he's a fat and stupid cop!!

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I hate my dad's best friend!... he's a cop and thinks it's the best occupation he could have.

Yesterday at home he ate 8 (EIGHT) doughnuts with coffee!.

What can I do!!!!!!!! thanks for your answers and greetings from NJ, USA!.

P.S: He thinks he's the best American police officer.... (¬¬).




  1. Maybe its time to grow up.

    He may not be the best, but atleast he's not some annoying little kid that's bitching about something unimportant.

    Its a tough world out there, Kiddo.

    And if the is the biggeset problem in your life, You've got it pretty good.

  2. In life we encounter people we just can't bear to be around. It's okay to feel a dislike for ther guy, but it would be wrong and very immature to act on it.

    When he's around, just be somewhere else. That way you don't get the chance to do anything that will cause trouble from your dad later, and you don't have to see him or be annoyed by him. Everybody wins.

  3. Respect him. It takes guts to be an American cop - and he certainly must have a lot.

  4. Get some Laxative dougnuts.

  5. Well if you hate him because he stuffs his face then that's both stupid and immature but even if it is for another reason you still have to respect him.

  6. Lol i feel your pain i don't.. is it the fact hes a pig or hes eating all your donuts? anyway just steer clear of him and let them be freinds. or you could tell your dad these things you think and hope he understands. perhaps they can reside somewhere else. =]  


  8. :O With COFFEE?!? Oh the HORROR!! -_- I drink coffee and I've eaten two cream donuts every day for the past week (v. fattening I know, but I love them and even though I eat them so often, I never seem to put the weight on ^^) Does that make me a semi-pig? Because I must be a skinny pig because I only weigh 8 stone (and I'm 15 =D) I'm sorry but the fact that he eats a lot and drinks coffee should not reflect on your opinion of him.

    I understand about whole "boasting" thing, but that's easily sorted. When he starts getting all "oh I'm so special because I'm a cop", say something like "I dunno, I've always wanted to be a Journalist..." If your dad has evidence to suggest otherwise, just reply with something along the lines of "Well, yes there is that as well, but I've taken a sudden interest in the Media." Or, if you feel like doing some research, look up a high profile career that can possibly change the world and is just as exciting as the police force, and use that job to shut the human waste disposal unit up :] OR You can choose the direct approach. When he boasts, just tell him to shut the h**l up and to get over himself. He's not on duty, so he can't arrest you for it. It's definitely important to be respectful towards cops, but not when they're arrogant jerks.

  9. Well I'm personally not liking any answers I see so I'm just gonna state my opinion.

    Out of respect for your best friend, at least be nice and courteous to his father. You dont have to like him but you are probably going to have to interact with him on many more occasions so at least be nice and polite.

    Second of all, he is a cop, and he knows to deal with punk kids, which he probably thinks of you as one. All cops deserve respect. Its not one of those things you dont have to do, you should always do it no matter what.

    Third, it takes guts to be a cop, its a job thats not easy. It takes alot of hard work, and not every cop fits that typical stereotype. Is it a crime to like doughnuts? Is it a crime to eat a few and drink coffee? Maybe he just likes doughnuts and likes coffee and he just so happens to be a cop. You're gonna tell me that just because he is a cop that he cant eat doughnuts? That's not gonna happen.

    He probably isnt the best American Cop but he does do alot for the community and the state. And everyone who hates cops would change their minds if there were no cops to protect you or capture the criminals, and ALOT of people who hate cops have been arrested or had some interaction with a cop that they didnt like. If you dont do something wrong, cops are great.. And I said alot, I didnt say all...

    I feel better now.. This coming from someone who likes cops.. And no I'm not a cop either.  

  10. I don't understand what he did to make you hate him.

  11. Put some laxative in his coffee, it will change the direction $hit is leaving his body.

  12. how old are you? Like i'm JUST asking. haha

    ANSWER TO QUESTION= eww i cant even eat 1 donut HAHAH

  13. omg i hate cops.

    they can all suck a d**k.

    lmfao whenever me and my friends see a copper drive by we yell **** THE PO-LICE  give them the finger and run like **** ahahahah ;DDD  

  14. You need respect him, he's brave for being a cop. I don't understand why you're being so rude and judgemental about his weight.

  15. cops really do like doughnuts with coffee!i always thought it was just something stupid ppl made up.......get on his nerves (without it being illegal)

  16. Why do you hate him really? Does he give you a hard time?

    I'd stay out of his way. When he's there, take off.

  17. what do you mean what can you do? you dont live with him. you dont see him everyday. jeez leave him alone, hes not your dad. you dont have to deal with him. so what if he ate 8 doughnuts? how does this concern you?

    quit being a whiny baby and get over it.

  18. Watch Reno 911 as much as possible and quote it all the time. Make sure he sees it and if he hates it buy shirts and hats and just be all about it. If he cant see that they are making fun of people like him, and relates to it just pick on him for eating all those donuts all the time. Then point out to him that while cops are important, they would be useless without other occupations like Firefighters and Paramedics.

    Hope this helps, and by the way im not hating on cops...just douche bags who think they are gods gift to the earth.

  19. Lol no offence but who cares? Let him eat all the doughnuts and so what if he loves his job? grow up lol.

  20. Make fun of cops in fronto of him. Make jokes, etc. That will make you fell better and he will understand you dont like him and hopefully will keep a distance from you

  21. "pfft"! sounds like a state copper, the federal coppers are the ones that do the heavy work so they deserve the respect.

  22. so let me get this straight?

    do u hate him because he's fat??... or because he ate your doughnuts? =)

    leave the man alone, your behavior is very disrespectful as you didn't say what you hate about him.  

  23. Let's see. You hate him because he's a police officer, he thinks it's the best occupation he could have and he thinks he's the greatest? I'm not really understanding why you hate him but the best thing that you could do is limit your interactions with this man and simply be cordial to him when you are around him.

  24. Are you a g*y model?  Seriously, I don't mean to offend you but your avatar has g*y model written all over it...

  25. hahaha! you should store more doughnuts for your self hahaha!

  26. Respect him... The cops deserve our respect.

    Maybe, he is not the best American police officer... but is AN AMERICAN POLICE OFFICER... and deserves respect son.

  27. You hate him because he ate your doughnuts?  I think you need a hobby.

  28. HAHA

    eight doughnuts

  29. To U.S. Citizen: Just b/c he's a cop doesn't mean he's better than anyone else. About a year ago, 2 cops followed a woman home and raped her. Who was she supposed to call? The police?

    You could hide the doughnuts.  

  30. 8 doughnuts and a cup of coffee... sounds like a sterotypical american cop to me...

    Respect him. He's right to his opinion (that being a cop is the best occupation in the world)

  31. Ohhh God, i feel your pain, i've met the sort! Tbh, people like that aren't really worth it, they just look for the attention

    Dont bother ding anything, when he try's to make a scene like the dougnut thing, he wants you to gooo :O but just pretend you didnt notice

    If he says "im the best coppp ect." Just go "okkk" Or "ohh reallly"

    Remember to just hide it, belivee me i know its hard

    but there just not worth it! Be kind and respectful towards him for your friends sake!


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