
I hate my best friend. what should i do?

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Merced Celis Has been my BEST friend since we were one. and now were in middle school so pretty much all of my life. now were in middle school and i don't know anyone there but merced and she promised that she would sit with me. but of course didn't. so i had to sit in between thease girls that were saying to me "your mama a gorilla!!" and really innoying stuff like that. so then guess who she sat with??? some girl that she just met!!!!!!!!!!!!!! her locker is two lockers down from mine and never talks to me anymore dose she hate me?




  1. She's just looking to be more social. She probably just forgot. All you have to do is sit with her, instead of waiting for her to sit with you. Don't completely rely and put everything on your friend. She's gonna need you to help too.

    P.S. Those girls you sat with sound like real f*ckfaces.

  2. LOL... don't worry.. you will make plenty of new friends...

    "your mamma a gorilla!" that's hilarious... I'm gonna say that to someone today.... LOL sorry but that just cracks me up....

    you should really learn not to take jokes seriously...

  3. Your friend does not hate you. She is branching out and meeting new people. This will happen, but it does not mean that you are loosing her as a friend. invite her over to your house after school, try to do some stuff with your friend one on one. At school try approaching her. Just ask her how her day is going and tell her a little about your day and then just walk away. Try making some new friends of your own. Talk to someone in one of your classes that you have never talked to before. I know that it can be scary, but that is how you make new friends. Walk up to a random table in the lunch room and sit down next to someone. Strike up a conversation. Ask to borrow someone's pencil, there's a million things that you can do to meet new people. And there will be times when the person you are talking to is not the kind of person who you would want to hang out with. if that happens, just find some one new. I'm sure that there are a hundred people at your school who would love to be your friend. try finding someone at lunch who is sitting alone. it could be that they will be your new best friend some day.

  4. really overreacting...if she's taking time to meet other people, if you were a true friend you would respect that and give her the week or so she needs...

  5. No  i  think  she  is  having  some  problem.  So  try  to  discover  it

    and  act  to  it.

  6. She has a new friend and trust me you need to ignore her and meet someone too! Just say hi and try talking and she will see you having fun with out her!

  7. Sounds like your pretty young, just go out meet some new people. She'll probably come around eventually.  

  8. No, she does not hate you  shes just trying to make new friends, because you can more than 1 best friend. Maybe you should try to make new friends too instead of feeling sorry for yourself. If shes not talking to you its because she doesnt havetime or is busy. However if she keeps breaking promises maybe its time to move on she could just be one of those friends that come and go. But try to spend more time with her maybe you should start talking to her instead of waiting for her to talk to you.

  9. first off, you need to make new friends - it's middle school, that's what you're supposed to do. you're in a new enviorment where you can reinvent yourself.

    secondly, take a stand! don't let her walk all over you, you'll end up hating her & she'll steal your boyfriend and you'll get into a screaming match in the courtyard during lunch - and eventually she'll take your new best friends almost boyfriend & nothing will be good.


  10. nooo!

  11. BRAKE UP  

  12. no she doesnt hate you.

    its middle school

    your supposed to make new friends.

    it doesnt mean she hates you.and it was a one timeee;

    you dont hate her. stop being dramatic.

    try make an efffort talking to her !

    make a really good friend to make her jealous;if shes that type of person;dont act needy or desperate.

    do whatever !

  13. Talk to her about it. Tell her how you feel about her doing that. If you don't want to be her friend just tell her.

  14. no of course not... she's just making some friends and u can do that to. if u have time u can sit her down and tell her how u feel.u can say " im really glad that you're making friends but i feel alittle left out and we dont spend as much time together. When can we?" and u cn think of things to do with her and even with you're friends and her friends can do together.   Wish u the best of luck!

  15. Maybe you are over reacting about the situation. If you are starting middle school, you are going to meet new people  and sounds to me that what she is doing. Maybe you should talk to her this weekend and let her know how you feel about the situation.  

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